Rumor has it that in the Fall of next year, Sprint will be releasing a new BlackBerry that will bridge PTT networks between Nextel and Sprint subscribers. One of the main reasons that Nextel subscribers have been so slow to move off the iDEN network over to Sprint’s CDMA network is because of imcompatability of PTT between the two networks.
QChat, a PTT technology from Qualcomm, will allow the 2-way walkie-talkie feature made famous by Nextel to work inter-network between the Sprint network and the Nextel network. QChat also runs at speeds that rival what Nextel subscribers are currently used to.
I will believe it when I see it. Nextel has been so good at stringing along us customers that I am not convinced that they are doing anything progressive until it happens.
Sprint has to do something because PTT on T-Mobile and Cingular, although not as good as on Nextel, is much better than what Sprint currently offers. It would also give Sprint a leg up on Verizon that currently is in the same boat as Sprint as far as PTT speed goes.
Thought verizon wireless tried and failed with Qchat?
True, but I think that had a lot more to do with the fact that no one knew Nextel was going away 3 1/2 years ago.
Additionally, Sprint and Nextel have to succeed with this to keep people from leaving. Verizon didn’t lose customers; they just didn’t convert Nextel subscribers, which, is kind of like getting a BlackBerry user to stop using it for a Palm device.
Well, I hope that this is true. We have recently seen a couple of convert phones but they are quite boring! If the Pearl can be PTT on ATT and T-mobile then we should have it for Nextel/Sprint! Does anybody have an idea what the model name will be? Seen any spy footage?
I have the 7100i and know more about trouble shooting it than any Tech on Tier 2 at Nextel BB support! They are on speed dial. I hope they come out with something quick! Name? How’s “About Time”…..
Looks like the new iDEN BlackBerry will be a Nextel BlackBerry Curve. The model number will be BlackBerry 8350.
alright nextel thats good to know. now show those other phony companies
that your still the best because two years from now i want to join nextel
because i’m not 18 yet. one more thing nextel, you really to defuse with
sprint because sprint is crappy and messing up the best service in the world. keep up the good work nextel i’ll be waiting for the blackberry curve aswell as the i876 &i877.