If you are thinking of getting a subsidized Google Nexus One be sure to read the fine print in the contract because it will cost you a grip to cancel early. Not only will you have to pay a $200 early termination fee to T-Mobile, Google has their own version of an ETF called an Equipment Recovery Fee which is an additional $350.
You’ll end up spending significantly more to cancel your plan than it would to just buy the device unlocked and unsubsidized up front.
I am not sure I see the problem. Google is a small struggling company that needs the money to compete against evil companies like Microsoft. NOT!!!
HOLY EXTORTION BATMAN!! In just cancelation fees you can buy the phone. Not to mention you already paid $180. How in Gods name is this legal let alone not EVIL. I thought in the corporate philosophy rule #6 said, “You can make money without doing evil.” If this fee is not evil please help me understand Googles definition of Evil. Is Eric Schmidt growing horns?
…and people (and the FCC) were complaing about VZW raising their fee to $350 on certain highend smartphones. I guess Google and TMO had to one-up VZW! 😉
yeah, sucks wads totally…but, it’s a google thing not TMo
They are just looking for the FCC to step in and end this little party the carriers have been having at our expense.
If you don’t want to agree to the contract, then don’t buy it ! (Or buy it unsubsidized)
Though I agree that is outlandish and bad business, it is certainly not evil to offer a product with a contract that people willingly buy.
I know that this is an unpopular view, but, I agree. Google nor T-Mobile are forcing anyone into a subsidized plan. If you don’t want to pay these ridiculous early termination fees do one of two things. Either buy the unsubsidized version at full price, or, don’t terminate your plan early.
I don’t think they’d get away with this in Europe. There are EFTs here but they are with the carrier and run in accordance with your contract. So if you have an 18 month contract and you want to get out after 12 months you have to pay the final 6 months of your standard fee, which can be expensive if you have a smart phone.
However, I don’t think the EU will let Google place a fee of their own on the handset which may mean the handset is more expensive through the carriers which will harm takeup! I’ve said before I’m getting rid of my Storm 1. I’ve just come to the end of my tether with it! I mean the limited space for apps and how slow the apps are compared to the iPhone is just crazy. But not being able to run simultaneous apps on the iPhone is putting me off!
I’m hearing that when they do announce Tablet though they’re announcing a new iPhone 3gs which will be able to handle multiple apps! We’ll see.