Rumor has it that Sprint BlackBerry Curve ads popped up on newspapers all over the country today. had a scan of said ad.
The Sprint BlackBerry Curve will cost $179.99 with a 2-year plan. We knew that. Not only will the Sprint Curve come in Titanium, it will also come in red. We didn’t know that.
Rumors are also floating around that the Sprint Curve will ship on May 7th. We shall surely see come Wednesday.
Well, it’s nice to see that they have a phone that could get some hits, but overall I’m not sure if they are going to attract the #’s they need to join the Sprint service based on the fact that theirs is ‘black’.
BlackBerry Sprint was initially announced in April and now they have change the date. The Sprint variant of the BlackBerry Curve 8330 will be rocking GPS, OS 4.3, 2.0 megapixel camera, video recording and voice notes – sadly, WiFi is not in the mix for the CDMA/EVDO smartphone.
…still not on vzw’s network.
What happened to the black version? Man that thing looked awesome. I was about to drop full price for it, but won’t if it’s only in titanium and red. Kinda the only reason I was sticking with sprint. I’m bummed now!
The Titanium looks like a blackish dark grey. It looks nice.
According to three different Telesales people at Sprint the Curve is now pushed off until a Mid June release.
I called Sprint (1.866.866.7509) about 8:30am this morning and they said that the Blackberry Curve will be released on Monday, May 12th. I just called that same number just now at 1:15pm and they said it won’t be out until June. I’m not a Sprint Customer and with all of this confusion I’m now seriously wondering if Sprint is the right provider for me. They obviously have no idea what’s going on over there and their story changes by the hour.