BlackBerry Cool is running a poll asking “What iPhone Apps would you like for BlackBerry?” My answer is simple…
Most of them!
I am sure that even a lot of die-hard iPhone and iPod Touch users would agree that a good percentage of the apps available on App Store are pure, unadulterated, crap. The rub for BlackBerry users, however, is that at least iPhone and iPod users have the option to download a ton of these apps.
The iPhone has a ridiculous advantage over the BlackBerry when it comes application support
Regular RIMarkable readers know that I am absolutely a BlackBerry fanatic, but, I have to be honest, the iPhone has a ridiculous advantage over the BlackBerry when it comes application support. The iPhone handles memory better, has more memory, far superior graphics support, and a much better Software Development Kit than does the BlackBerry.
To make a long story short Apple makes it easy for developers to develop for the iPhone and the bar to iPhone development is relatively low. RIM has simply got to catch up.
[Via BlackBerry Cool]
C’mon Robb… Stop fighting it. Come over to the good side of the force and get an iPhone.
@Rob – “To make a long story short Apple makes it easy for developers to develop for the iPhone and the bar to iPhone development is relatively low. RIM has simply got to catch up.”
RIM never stopped google from making a google voice app, or other developers from making todo list apps, calendar apps, mail apps, oh I just realized why apple is so much fun, no productivity apps!
I don’t disagree with your points, but, the fact remains that RIM lags drastically behind when it comes to app developement on the BlackBerry.
Don’t care what they do, but I need me some Grndr on the BlackBerry…
I just want a app that downloads music like itunes I don’t understand why this is not the norm by now
Keith’s comment on BackberryCool is on point:
” It also sucks that apps available for BB and iPhone are much better on iPhone. Take Google Maps for instance… much for functional, easy to use and sleeker on the iPhone.”
and so is yours Robb: “RIM has simply got to catch up”
the apps are 2ndary. i’m getting tired of waiting for the Storm to “catch up” with the iPhone.
The iPhone’s Facebook app is a lot better than the Blackberry Version.
The fact also remains that RIM lags drastically behind when it comes to OS developement on the BlackBerry, and also hardware too (“The iPhone handles memory better, has more memory, far superior graphics support, and a much better Software Development Kit than does the BlackBerry. Thanks Robb) RIM also could use a few pointers from Apple when it comes to keeping the service providers away from the device and device functions.
Robb forget it, the fact also remains that RIM can’t out Apple, Apple.
Wordpop is a favorite game that RIM needs to get with the designer of and make a version for all BB especially the bold.
the one where you shake the baby haha
I tend to agree with Rob, “Most of them”!! One thing i think is sorely overlooked is the calendar! blackberry NEEDs to take a look over to palm treos, and now the Pre. I had a palm before i was”born again”. the calendar was intuitive, effiecient and did i mention color coded with out being tied to your email!! work on a better app BB and for Crying out line see whats good on other phones and make it for bb users or make it better!! PLEASE!!!
What’s with all the Apple “ball washing”?? Someone name me 5 apps that are currently available on the iPhone that a BlackBerry device absolutely must have. I’m not talking about your favorite “game of the moment”, I’m talking about an app that is useful (very important that I mention that) and does not exist on a BlackBerry. Here’s the caveat. The app cannot be something that is similar with what is in App World or offered for BlackBerry already. Which in short means, don’t mention a weather app as a “must have” when obviously BlackBerry has plenty. Oh, and one more thing for you Apple developers, can you please do away with the proliferation of the letter “i” in front of every damn app made available?? Seriously!!! That is all, carry on…..
google earth!
Heres an app that I would love to see on BBerry. Remote. nuff said about that. when I play my music in the living room through my computer in the bedroom and my friend comes by with his iPhone and changes the music we are listening to i have to admit I’m a bit jealous. As far as the apps that are available on on BBerry that we have plenty of, weather for instance, they all suck! How bout an app that doesn’t doesn’t lag, how bout an app thats no a damn flashlite for $2.99 when I can just as easily do for free by turning on the camera light for my video camera? No matter what type of BBerry you are, diehard or newbie, you can’t fool yourself. Apple apps are far greater and plenty than the haphazard ones available for us
Well, that may be cool and all but with that same computer ask him if he can tether HIS phone to your computer and be on the internet. Don’t worry, don’t it……he can’t. Nothing USEFUL can be done without Jailbreaking it. Continue if you like, being jealous of a toy that can do lots of things but none of them very well. The ONLY thing I envy is the browser. That’s it. I mean it IS a phone isn’t it?? Isn’t it…?? Shouldn’t you be able to use it like a phone? You know, like making a call and being able to hear the other person on the other end or not having it drop. (I guess that’s not really Apple’s fault and should fall into the category of AT&T is a crappy network anyway you look at it). How about MMS (read: =FAIL) . Maybe it’s just me but I don’t like being told what I’m allowed to have on MY phone. It’s just that simple. So, continue to be jealous about his purchase of the iFAIL and I’ll continue to be FREE and put what ever I want on my Javelin like Google Voice and actually utilize an awesome application that’s both useful and innovative. Over 20,000+ apps and I can’t get 5 useful ones….??? Did I mention that the Fake Geiger Counter is available?? Yeah, that’s useful….
Seems the BB needs a iJealous app, iCovetous app, and iEnvious app for those BB users having a tough time trying to continue to justify having technology which has been passed by since January 9, 2007. Come on guys no need to be or show your intolerant of rivalry, be hostile toward a rival or one which enjoy’s an advantage. The answer is as close as your nearest ATT or Apple store.
LOL!! Seriously… No, not intolerant at all. In fact I welcome a healthy debate. What I’m not understanding my friend is of this “technological advantage” you supposedly possess. Three phones, 3 software revisions and still you can’t have camera flash on your phone?? What technological advantage?? The iPhone 3g marketed as “faster” was actually not any faster than it’s predecessor (same 412 Mhz processor) at all. All things being the same, I don’t fault you my friend, millions of others just like yourself have taken a drink of the “kool-aid” and actually believe this man cares about you, the customer. I just have a problem giving my money to a hypocrite who with his bag of proprietary software and DRM garbage does all things in the name of “security” which is code for “control”. Jobs isn’t concerned with your safety or security anyway. He’s more concerned with profits. This is the basis for my whole argument. Everything in the App Store is “controlled”. Yeah, enjoy that…. For the record, all the things I’m mentioning have nothing to do with being jealous, envious or coveting your precious phone.
It’s so ironic that you mention “having technology which has been passed by since January 9, 2007”, when in fact the 3rd generation iPhone and software is just NOW able to fwd a text msg, take advantage of voice dialing, AD2P support (Stereo Bluetooth), video…. I find it ironic too that Mr. Jobs himself through Apple’s marketing machine found a way to “cut and paste” the first iPhone and put it on the second generation iPhone and slap a “3G” on it and call it good. Facts are facts…. He’s a control freak and that’s why the iPhone is defective by design.
Wow!!! Really…?? Is that what you came up with?? “RIMarkable is not about you or I…” Captain Obvious to the rescue. Instead of commenting on facts that were given, you choose instead to side-step the issue in your passive-aggressive manner and portray yourself or anyone else here as the victim of some malicious attack. Please copy and paste in bold text where I’ve taken personal shots at other posters. Unless Steve Jobs posted in this forum your accusations are false. Now who’s making up stuff?? You’ve not put forth one ounce of truth in any of your statements. Nor have you offered up even one application to appease me from my first post, which this thread is about. Instead, you offered up your “ijealous, inenvious….” drivel. Again, passive-aggressive side-stepping…. It seems that you’re the one who made this about you and I.
I would seriously like an explanation as to what exactly is being made up. Point them out and will explain MY words. Can you do the same?? You keep saying stuff like, “technological advantage” and “….slip further and further behind” and offer little in the way of facts. Slipping further and further behind based on what?? You don’t…..say anything. And that’s pretty much where I get tired of people offering up opinions and have nothing of substance to explain there opinion. I just overlook and dismiss them.
You can’t send a picture in a text, yet BB is falling further and further behind. A $29 pay-as-you-go phone can do that. You can’t have more than one application running at one time, yet BB is falling further and further behind. That’s MY definition of smartphone. The ability to multitask and the iPhone can’t even do that. MobileMe push email was and is a joke. All we get from you is rhetoric…. It’s not jealousy my friend it’s fact.
I suppose if I told you that AT&T were spying on, you would think I was personally attacking anyone who uses AT&T as their carrier. I don’t make stuff up. I deal with facts to support my statements. I’ll keep it simple and just say that if you don’t believe me when I say that, just Google Mark Klein. I’m really NOT sorry if you take these things personally. Again, it’s not about you, it’s about the phones that we’re talking about.
Drew, I have a Bold and am happy with it even though I cant see streaming video from news stations and such, and I grow used to the dropped calls and the spotty 3G while my sons Nokia 3g is rock solid on the same carrier, If the iPhone is so bad why are they selling so many of them?
Yeah, well unfortunately that would be good ol’ AT&T’s fault for that. That in itself is another rant for another time. The simple answer to your question is, entertainment. From the Safari browser (which is pretty awesome) to all of the 1,000’s and 1,000’s of apps, it’s endless of hours of entertainment. I’ve known or heard of so many people who came over from a BlackBerry to use the iPhone and they were wowed and entertained……for about 3 weeks and promptly returned it. When it came down to getting things done (shooting off emails, MMS’s) they miss their push email, BB Messenger and such. On the flipside, there is that same handful of people who leave BlackBerry for the iPhone and never return. It all comes down to what your needs are. Teenagers I would imagine make up the largest demographic but this is not true. Over 74% of iPhone users are over the age of 25. It’s the old adage, different strokes for different folks….
“It’s the old adage”, some get it, and some sadly don’t. Those that don’t get it, make up excuses, make up lies, and desperately try to take out their personal issues on those which do get it. Lucky iPhone users know the REAL DEAL.
No need to be or show your intolerant of rivalry, be hostile toward a rival or one which enjoy’s an advantage. The answer is as close as your nearest ATT or Apple store. Just relax and drop the chip on your shoulder, there is no need to bring that poor attitude, based on un-truthes into others places of work.
To all, I have carried a BB for YEARS now – back when all it did was email. I have gone from generation to generation watching as each one has given just one more peace of the prize and still not able to satisfy you completely. “Drew” they are all out for the money in your pocket – not just Jobs (He is just doing a great job at it). Today I carry both a BB Storm and an iPhone, and the reason I carry both is because the we are currently working on making sure our network has everything in place to support the users. Once we have everything in place, after 10 years of carrying a BB I will say goodbye to it and never look back. I can email on my iPhone just as fast if not faster than most on any of their BBs and I can do much more with the iPhone (Production wise) that I can’t on a BB. I have the ability to connect to servers that have issues, I can approve orders on the iphone because it now has VPN capability so I can get to our intranet site. The BB has email pretty down, but considering they have been doing it for years and the iPhone has stepped in, won the CONSUMER and is turning to the Professional, it is only a matter of time before the BB of any kind is going to struggle just a bit more. To each his own, and honestly I would rather use the iPhone.
The question should be what apps wouldn’t you want for blackberry! I would love to have the majority of the Iphone apps and I am slowly becoming seriously disappointed in my blackberry tour!
I have got to have the new Viper smart start app. only for iphones as of now.. here is a link:
I would like the lose it app. It works great and now that i have a blackberry I miss it.
i just bought the BB torch after years of using a “regular” cellphone. i gave the kid my ipod touch thinking that the torch would allow me access to many similar apps.. big mistake! on the ipod it seemed i could find useful apps daily worth downloading, most of them FREE! BB apps are rarely free, and the selection is very limited.
I would like to see: a craigslist app, google earth, decent simple card games (i mean come on, after two weeks i still haven’t found a game worth loading), and a simpler way to search for apps.