A rumor started floating around yesterday that the Android App Player for BlackBerry PlayBook, which, RIM said would be out this summer, had actually been delayed and wouldn’t be out until “late fall”. Â CrackBerry Kevin, however, has a different take and still believes that that Android App Player is on schedule…
I’ve been keeping pretty close tabs on this one since getting my in-depth App Player walk through during my recent trip to Waterloo, and from what I’m seeing/hearing things are still on track. As it stands now developers should be getting access in the next two to three weeks, and from there it should just be a couple more weeks before owners are officially running Android apps on their PlayBooks (devs will need a bit of time to bring over their apps and I’m sure RIM will want to ramp up a bit of marketing hype behind it too). So late August/early September still seems to be in the cards vs. late fall.
Let’s hope CrackBerry Kevin is right…
[Via CrackBerry]