The BlackBerry Application Storefront Vendor Portal is now accepting application submissions from developers looking to have their BlackBerry applications hosted on the BlackBerry Application Storefront.
The Application Storefront will be the for BlackBerry devices what the App Store is to the iPhone and iPod and it will be really interesting to see the type of applications that come out.
Are the Application Center and the Application Storefront the same thing?
It looks like the Application Center is carrier supported and the Application Storefront is supported directly by RIM.
God, I hope so – there isnt ANYTHING available for the Storm at all except Aim and Facebook. Nothing at all compared to Apple’s store. Granted, they have had a while to work on it, but Blackberry is not coming out with even their own unique themes or anything for it. The complete lack of support is going to bury this great product.
I don’t know why RIM is trying to build their own app store. I have always used Handango for mobile apps. My first smartphone was a WinMo device, and then 3 years ago I switched to BB. I got ALL of the apps I had on my ghetto WM for the BB from handango – sleeker & updated for the RIM OS. Not to sound cliche but this is one-stop shopping, and they’re the biggest out there so they have random stuff like Fart Machine and Pimp My Pearl – not necessarily the most mature apps out there – but definitely cool stuff that can compete with Apple’s APP STORE.
If you don’t believe me check them out – 25% off all apps today:
Forgot the link…