by Rod | Apr 1, 2010 | BlackBerry
If you’re an audiophile like we are winning a copy of Slacker Radio Plus is the ultimate prize. The team over at Slacker Radio was kind enough to give us a few copies of Slacker Radio Plus to giveaway. Learn More about Slacker Radio and Slacker Radio Plus. We...
by Rod | Apr 1, 2010 | Stories
Imagine looking at a happy baby about 17 months old holding your mobile phone while sitting in the bathtub. That was the exact moment I lost my Motorola Droid and went back to the Blackberry Storm. The sound of water running in the bathtub drowns out the sound coming...
by Rod | Mar 2, 2010 | Tips and Tricks
I am going to go out on a limb and assume that many BlackBerry users have no clue you can reprogram the side buttons on their BlackBerry devices. RIM has provided this little known feature for some time now. The reason I say this is because, far too frequently, I...
by Rod | Jan 5, 2010 | BlackBerry
Just over a year ago, Rod Simmons from Simple Mobile Review, wrote a great guest post for us on his thoughts on moving to the BlackBerry Storm from and iPhone user point of view. Now he’d like to get something off his chest about BlackBerry App World. Is it...
by Rod | Dec 4, 2008 | BlackBerry
A colleague of mine that happens to be an iPhone user but had to get a Verizon BlackBerry for work decided to write down his thoughts on the BlackBerry Storm. I posted his commentary below and would like to know what you guys think… I am what Apple people would...