We aren’t quite sure how long it has been there but the BlackBerry Bold has made its way onto the AT&T web site. Unfortunately, AT&T hasn’t narrowed down a release date beyond later this year. We, however, are prepared to say that we are certain that the AT&T BlackBerry Bold will be released closer to today than to December 31st.
nice find – hadn’t seen this on the AT&T site previously
If I were RIM I would try to get this out before the 3G iPhone launch…so that people know it’s out there as an alternative, and so that people and their families and friends in the ATT stores that come in for the iPhone will have it to look at while they are waiting.
It may sound silly, but having all those people in the ATT stores for the iPhone will result in some spillover sales of other devices at the same time.
Plus, once the new iPhone launches, it will pretty much dominate the rest of the summer for ATT and so any launch of the Bold after that will kind of be overlooked.
Get it out ASAP…get some quick sales before the new iPhone, and then capitalize on the iPhone crowds for the summer.
And make no mistake, there will be a lot of waiting in the ATT and Apple stores for people wanting the new iPhone…not only because of the demand, but because now the activation will be done in store.
Wait…does that mean it will ONLY be available on ATT? Damnit, they already have the iPhone and i’m NOT spending an arm and a leg for a touch screen blackberry twice as expensive as the iPhone for Verizon.
Not only has the Bold made it to the AT&T, but also onto the Rogers site, north of the border.
Talk about deja vu! Every year I sit here and watch At&T come out with the newest and best phones, while I have to come to the realization that it may be another year until I see the same device on Verizon. I know there are rumors of the Thunder soon, but I do not want a first generation touch screen BB.
There were rumors of the Bold coming to Verizon sooner than usual. Anybody hear anymore?
I actually think the Bold will be a better device than any touchscreen BB, simply due to the keyboard. I also think RIM would be smart to get the Bold out on Verizon ASAP as well.
@ Dalton
Supposedly the rumor is the Bold is coming out within months after the release on AT&T, to Verizon and Sprint. I believe TMO is getting it very soon after the AT&T release. But that was the rumor when the Bold was first announced. Not sure what the status is now with the announcements of the Kickstart and Thunder.
Reading some of the comments on Howard Forums as well as BGR, I see some that all point to a late June release for the Bold on ATT.
Also, as some have pointed out, in the past when a BB showed up on the site, it was about 2 weeks until its release.
Granted, this is nothing definitive…
Thanks! I have heard that too, but given the history of VZW and their BB releases, do you actually think that it will happen sooner this time?
I am skeptical, but I hope it is true.
Are you still so sure the release will be closer to June then December?
The Blackberry Bold has been removed from the AT&T website…
What does this mean???
I think that AT&T having exclusive rights to the RIM Blackberry Bold is a huge competative advantage over the likes of Verizon…I doubt that AT&T will be the only company to have the Bold…but they will be the first…almost like the iPhone 3G and the knock offs from the competitors