valentine BB

If you have been wanting to purchase a BlackBerry Passport then now is the time. For a limited time BlackBerry has announced that this Valentine’s Day weekend you can buy an unlocked BlackBerry Passport with a discount of $100 off for U.S. residence and $125 off for Canadian residence.

This is a very sweet deal to take advantage of considering the Passport is going for $599 for the standard versions (white & black) and $699 for the red variation of the Passport. With this discount you can grab a BlackBerry Passport this weekend for only $499 or the Red Passport for $599.

This great deal expires on February 16th, 2015 so head over to today and grab a Passport!

For US Residence only, get an additional $100 off of the discounted price just follow me on twitter @blackberryhank and tweet me #100Passport