It shouldn’t be too much longer before the Wi-Fi enabled BlackBerry Pearl 8120 should be released in the United States. The FCC has recently posted documents with the details of of the quad-band GSM/EDGE version of the BlackBerry Pearl 8130.
We’re guessing that the Blackberry Pearl 8120 will first appear on T-Mobile because the device has a UMA client which currently is only support by T-Mobile’s HotSpot@Home Service.
[Via PhoneScoop]
Looking good. If TMO could only get the data speed up to 3G would it be an All-Star phone.
The 8120 Pearl is a “All Star phone” and can stand on it’s own, as long as carriers dont’ cripple and remove functions like verizon does to it’s phones. The 8100 Pearl has proven in the year plus it has been available it’s a “All Star phone”. The carriers are getting the data speeds up, but Wifi on the 8120 will give us better than 3G speeds, since unless I missed the spec, don’t see the 8120 having any WCDMA (3GSM) technology.
Just because the phone has Wi-Fi it does not mean the data speeds will be faster. Google some comparison speed tests between the BB8300 using EDGE and BB8320 using Wi-Fi. There isn’t a huge jump in speeds like you’re proclaiming.
@ hellno
And to follow up on Justin’s post…Wifi must really be useful in a car on the road. That’s why people go for the 3G data connection, when they can’t get Wifi. Edge isn’t cutting it.
really bluehorseshoe vealot?
“Edge isn’t cutting it.” hmmmm more grandstanding I see, how sadly typical, all to justify your downgrading to cdma technology, while the rest of the world including verizon is upgrading to GSM technologies.
“Edge isn’t cutting it.” is not even close to being true, more people have and use EDGE than any cdma 3G technology. Edge IS cutting it on the blackberry and on many other GSM devices. WiFi is a added bonus when available and blows away any 3G technolgies in both speed and cost of use. It’s interesting thought to think of all those imaginary vealots which require highspeed data in moving vehicles though, even though the Blackberry network is designed to work just as good on 2G as it does on 3G. It’s been said the Blackberry network servers are the slow link of the chain with the Wifi speed, but the BB network can’t hurt the cost or usability of Wifi. Wifi wipes the floor with cdma/evdo technology (which is soon to be replaced by gsm/lte technology)
nice try vealot, reality is always better than fanboy dreams.
@ hellno
No, Edge isn’t cutting it. If the iPhone was running on a 3G network, I’d buy it. I have owned the Pearl on TMO and now VZW, and from first hand experience the EVDO blows away Edge, hence the reason I made the move. You just speak from your ass…not even sure if you know the difference between any of the technologies mentioned. I can actually use my laptop connected to my Pearl on VZW for work…wouldn’t even imagine using it on TMO’s Edge network. I don’t care about WiFi…if there’s a Wifi connection, then I’ll use my laptop.
Now go check back in at Creedmore and let them know you’re OK…they’ve been worried sick since you escaped.
PS – the Blackberry can do more than just check email. 🙂
“Edge isn’t cutting it.” You forgot to say this is YOUR opinion only not FACT. The Blackberry won’t show much difference since it wasn’t designed to need 3G, only when tethering other devices will you see the speed difference. BUT being verizon tethering is illegal.
“wouldn’t even imagine using it on TMO’s Edge network” so like most of your hopes and dreams bluehorseshoe, there is NO fact in anything you speak of. The iPhone does very well with Edge and WiFi support.
Again your desperate quest to justify your bad choice of downgrading to verizon from tmo, downgrading from standard, open, global GSM to closed, proprietary cdma, even while verizon themselves are dumping cdma for GSM, shows your complete lack of understanding of technologies, the data needs of blackberry devices, and the true value of devices with edge AND wifi technology.
much like your misguided move from tmo to verizon, your completely misguided and wrong in your constant need to grandstand your personal thoughts of the verizon pearl being any faster, any better than the tmo pearl, when it comes to the magic of the BB, 3G doesn’t matter, but wifi DOES matter since it’s very low cost AND speed which beats 3G anytime.
Only a vealot would complain about edge speed on a Blackberry, and not understand the device manufactures reasons for adding wifi to edge devices. Nor understand that RIM designed the Blackberry to not require anything faster than 2G since all data runs though the blackberry servers. Sorry bluehorseshoe, but your BS is being called out each and every time you choose to post based solely on vealot fanboy hopes and dreams instead of reality and FACTS.
@ hellidiot
Tethering on Verizon is illegal? You really did get fired by VZW.
Here’s a fact…you’re mentally challenged! Now go put that square peg in the round hole.
verizon DOES arbitrarily cutting people off for using and abusing tethering. Sorry to again crush your vealot thoughts and dreams with a bit of reality, but your again showing your fanboy side and not reading the FACTS that are out there about verizon arbitrarily cutting people off for tethering. Who knew using “the network” to it’s potential could get a customer canceled. But hey thats a good way for you to get out of your ETF and transfer back to standard, open, global, GSM, when you learn the true REALITY of what it is to use cdma and be a verizon customer. Again you downgraded by going from tmo to verizon.
Ignorance explains many a verizon customer.
Verizon Wireless Also Pretends Customers Don’t Know What Unlimited Means
Limited Unlimited Doubletalk: Unlimited Data For Limited Types Of Data
But the REAL bit of knowledge for this thread is 3G technology does not speed up the Blackberry service, doesn’t speed up our BB devices.
All this fanboy prancing is silly considering the 8120 HAS standard, open, global, GSM/EDGE and WiFi which is both faster, cheaper and available in more places than any cdma 3G technology. The 8120 will not be available to verizon customers, at least for the next few years while verizon dumps closed, proprietary, declining cdma and upgrades to GSM/LTE technology.
As the great Ramones wrote:
“Ignorance is bliss, ya know it’s true
Ignorance is bliss, just look at you”
@ hellidiot
So…did you look in the mirror?
How dare you insult the band that went to the same high school as I did. I think you hit your head in one too many mosh pits.
sounds like hellno doesn’t know what the hell he’s talking about. seriously, gsm technology has failed in the us. oh and those websites you link to – nice work however AT&T DOES THE SAME DAMN THING! are you retarded? this not to mention we are using cell phones. what is the main purpose of a cell phone? could it be to make and recieve calls? what good does a pretty looking GSM paperweight do if I CAN’T GET GOOD SERVICE! i switched from verizon to AT&T and then TMO because of the price and cool looking phones. WORST MISTAKE I EVER MADE. data is HORRIBLE (EDGE is a joke). coverage and voice call quality is EVEN WORSE (I get dropped calls every day, even if the handset says I have four bars). go ahead and feed us out-of-context facts and stories – we’ll stick with a network that actually works.
“gsm technology has failed in the us” WRONG
“EDGE is a joke” WRONG
Thanks for pointing out, and making it so clear that Joeschmoe “doesn’t know what the hell he’s talking about”.
By the way GSM has taught the world cell phones do alot more than “make and recieve calls” Nice try.
Okay, you left a reply WITH NO REASONING!
First of all, in your earlier comment, you stated that Verizon is dumping CDMA for GSM. That’s a blatantly idiotic statement! Seriously, read up on your s** before posting your stupidity. Verizon recently announced they will be using LTE which is what the GSM’s 4G data network standard will be based on. This has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH THE CDMA PHONE NETWORK, this is merely a commonality between the future network data standards. Their phones will continue to use the CDMA network (because it’s obviously better, which is explained below).
and… if you want to do more than make or receive calls, there’s absolutely no logical reason for choosing GSM over CDMA. It’s a fact, and anyone with a brain can’t dispute the speed and coverage difference. CDMA just has a better deal in North America. You forget why HSDPA, 3GSM, and WCDMA started… EVDO got the scared the hell out of the GSM operators. GSM can boast HSDPA all they want with their (up to) 14.4 mbps download speeds, but by the time they finally roll it out in every major cell tower location, Verizon and other CDMA networks will have beat them to the punch with their 4G and WiMax networks boasting 100 mbps or more! Verizon has already announced their 4G status, and that they’re planning on implementing it 2009. Yeah, uhhh… 14.4 mbps vs 100 mbps?. Oh right, but that’s just data…
Lets talk about call quality and coverage for a while. See, you forget that Verizon has been ranked year after year the best network in terms of call quality and coverage area. That’s no bull, that would be J.D. Power and Associates. Umm, AT&T, that’s right – dead last! True, T-mobile has ranked second, but mostly due to their customer service. It is also a fact that GSM has consistent call problems in buildings, but CDMA does not (thanks to their network’s unique frequency structure). Well I guess that’s the bottom line. Buy a cell phone for whatever the hell you want, but the choice is obvious. Dispute all you want, but if something just works better, why would you choose anything else?
Oh yeah, about the whole “tethering’? I won’t argue Verizon keeps a tight grip on their phones, but who says AT&T doesn’t? My brother ordered a CDMA phone from the Sprint store, and took it to the Verizon store. They programmed it, and he was able to use it immediately on his Verizon network. Last week, I contacted AT&T about unlocking my phone so I could use it in Europe (before I cancelled my contract, but they didn’t know that). I was told they were “unable to do so.” The Cingular store wouldn’t even help me out. I had to take it to a specialty store and pay $20 to get it unlocked. Talk about tethering. Not to mention, if Verizon chooses to implement RIUM, which they have been debating on for a while, they will make the process even easier since you can buy unlocked RIUM CDMA phones from India, Korea, the Middle East, and elswhere (98 other countries use the network).
“Verizon pretends it doesn’t know what unlimited means.”
It’s so funny you say that, because I just recovered from a “roaming issue” with att. They started charging me for roaming because I was doing it too much. It’s also funny that according to their coverage map, I’m covered under their network for about a 20 Mile radius. I had UNLIMITED ROAMING! Hmm… I guess they didn’t know what UNLIMITED means…. Right?
I’m glad you can pretend like GSM is so great and all. I’m happy for you. Just don’t clog these forums with that BS. It’s super annoying.
Thanks for your “facts.”
Talk about “nice try!”
@ joeschmoe
Hellno was dropped on the head multiple times as a child. That’s the only explanation I can possibly come up with. Take a look at the other articles on this blog and you can see he repeats the same brainwashed crap over and over. Either he’s mentally challenged or someone has their hand up his ass and he’s their hand puppet. I made the switch from TMO to VZW for the tethering and haven’t looked back, not to mention the increase in coverage and call quality here in the states. I’m with ya.