Either someone in the RadioShack marketing department pays way too little attention to detail, or, Research in Motion has decided that the iPhone should get a chance to be on top.
Take a close look at the image. That ain’t the BlackBerry OS running on the BlackBerry Curve. I remember writing a post asking should Research in Motion create a device that runs Windows mobile and someone told me that it was BlackBerry sacrilege even to suggest such a thing.
This image was taken from the current RadioShack Father’s Day sale paper. Believe it or not, I actually have a copy of this flyer that I just picked up Friday. I never really looked at it to notice the BlackBerry Curve seemingly running Windows Mobile hanging on the peg board. We have to thank RIMarkable reader Ricardo for pointing this out to us.
We’ve got the full sales ad after the jump…

I noticed this a few minutes ago. It gave me a chuckle. My ad is slightly different but still has the mistake.
I noticed this the day it came out. I wondered how a mistake like that could be made?! Then I thought of this: I know there are themes out there designed to look like Windows. So maybe that’s it! Hey, it’s possible! So I shrugged it off, and figured I’d wait and see if any of the BB bloggers picked it up. Guess someone did!
That is too funny!
WOW!! I work for Radio Shack, and I have to say, I am rather embarassed…
That’s not right. Windows OS is unstable and should not be put on a reliable blackberry.
I think that’s pretty awsome!
..Ok ok ok I lyin. Lol
I certainly don’t want windows mobile on my blackberry. I do have windows live search and love it. I do wish that one can download windows Office mobile onto a blackberry. Think that will work better then the aftermarket spreadsheets.
I have founded that some stuff runs better on my blackberry then on my pc. For example I rather look at my gmail emails on my blackberry. It is faster then on my pc.
Yeah, that sort of gave me a chuckle, someone probably did it as a prank and it actually made it to the ad. Did anyone notice a very similar problem with the signage FedexKinkos has been using for the last several years? (They have what appears to be a pos dell running OsX)
It would be a shame to see an actual BB running such a flawed, imperfect OS. The only advantage would be availability of software.
This is just a windows mobile theme.
I work at RadioShack, and before the misunderstanding grows even more, let me clarify that that was a mistake made by RadioShack advertising department. We received a notification the next day letting us know that they were aware of it and apologizing for it. So that’s it, somebody made a mistake on Photoshop, no need for anybody to cry wolf 🙂