According to a report in the this morining, BlackBerrys and other mobile devices account for an extra 10 days work per year for Brittons in the UK.
Is that all?
Maybe its just me, but, 10 days (80 hours) over the course of a full work week just doesn’t seem like that much. If you just used your BlackBerry 30 to 60 minutes per day outside of regular work hours, you would knock out 80 hours in a few months.
I know that labor laws are quite as friendly to employees here in the United States and I’d bet that 10 days per year is a bit on the low side for American workers.
I think this report is why we are seeing and increase in the number of people that carry a work device and a personal device. It really allows you to turn work off.
I recall and options on various mobile devices to restrict hours messages are delivered to your device but that takes effort and has issues with globe travelers.
It does explain why companies are happy pay the plan.