As many regular RIMarkable readers know, I participate in a weekly podcast about wireless technology news and gadgets called the Simple Mobile Review Podcast. It’s a fairly new show that we (myself and the guys over at Simple Mobile Review) started recording around the beginning of the year and we’ve just completed our 29th episode, of which every single last one of them has been absolute blast to record.
The SMRpodcast isn’t specifically about devices coming out of Research in Motion, however, BlackBerry news is a big part of what we talk about and is a major segment of the show each week. You can listen to the show directly from the web, or, you can subscribe to it and have it automatically downloaded to iTunes, your Zune, or subscribe to our RSS feed to listen in your podcast player of choice. We even have a free SMRpodcast application for BlackBerry users that you can install to your device and have the show automatically downloaded every week.
When you get a chance, listen to the show. Follow our new Twitter account, @SMRPodcast, and leave us comments telling us what you like about the show, what you dislike about the show, and if there is anything that you’d like us to cover in an upcoming episode.
Oh yeah, I am not above bribing new listeners. We are going to do some really good giveaways in upcoming episodes, however, they will only be mentioned during the show and via the @SMRpodcast Twitter account. You’ve got to listen to the show and follow us on Twitter to get in on them…