We’ve known for a little while now that Craigslist Mobile was coming to the BlackBerry. Well, it is is here, and, you can pick it up on BlackBerry App World for $4.99.
I don’t know… Maybe I just don’t get Craigslist as I have only purchased anything off if it once that I can remember. Besides just checking the Craigslist Mobile app out, I don’t know that I would even install it, let alone pay $4.99 for it. That’s just me though, as, I know that there are BlackBerry users who live and breath on Craigslist.
If anyone decides to check Craigslist Mobile for BlackBerry out, leave us a comment and let us know what you think.
Download: Craigslist Mobile for BlackBerry via BlackBerry App World
No offense, but why are they charging for the app when the website is free? Unless there are other features built into it, then I’ll just keep using it on my mobile browser.
Believe it or not, Craigslist is actually one of those sites that works pretty well on the BlackBerry Browser. This might be a nice app but I can’t see many people actually buying it.