Research in Motion has released a free personal information application that securely stores your data such as owner information, logon credentials, credit cards and more directly on your BlackBerry with a password and AES encryption.

The free BlackBerry download is named BlackBerry Wallet, and although it doesn’t totally replace it, you can think of at as BlackBerry Password Keeper on steroids.

I’ve just downloaded BlackBerry Wallet on my BlackBerry Pearl 8130 (the Verizon BlackBerry download issues have been resolved) and I have to admit that the tool isn’t half bad for a free BlackBerry download. It doesn’t completely replace Password Keeper but to does make storing the categories of information that it does keep much cleaner.

If only RIM would come up with a desktop client that BlackBerry Wallet could sync to. Then they would really have something.

You can download BlackBerry Wallet OTA by visiting from your device’s BlackBerry Browser…