I was watching Squawk Box this morning as I do every morning and they kept teasing about new games for your BlackBerry that are coming out. I think two or three times they brought up Joe Kernans epic quest to get passed level 20 on Brick Breaker.
And the end of the 7 o’clock hour Becky Quick finally let the cat out of the bag about what they had been teasing about for the passed 90 minutes and the big news was that Gameloft is getting into the BlackBerry Gaming Business.
Someone is Gameloft’s marketing department needs to get a raise because the article by Laurie J. Flynn seems like it has been picked up by every news outlet on the internet and CNBC is talking about it on television.
I was almost late to work this morning waiting for them to talk about the new BlackBerry games coming out. When all they really said was that Gameloft was going to start making BlackBerry games, I was kind of disappointed.
I am just glad that the processor in the newer model devices are fast enough to play some of the cooler games. The BlackBerry is no Sony PSP, however the quality of the games is about that of a Gameboy. Not that new one but the one from a couple of years ago.