eVeek has been around for almost a year and in celebration of their first birthday, have decided to release 3 premium BlackBerry themes absolutely free. Head over to elecite.eVeek.com where you can download iBerry, Precision, and OSX with no strings attached. They don’t even ask you for an email address.
You can also dowload these premium free BlackBerry themes OTA directly to your BlackBerry by visiting elecite.eVeek.com/wap on your devices browser…
Best theme in my opinion is:
No issues on any of the BB devices I’ve had.
WhatGREAT themes….they are really professional and neat
how do i install all those beautiful themes in my bb using desktop manager?
EV is a great site and to respond to gino, I have always said that there needs to be more free sites that have OTA (over-the-air) installs for blackberry themes, using the desktop manager can be difficult for people not real strong on desktop or pc skills, OTA is the easiest delivery method by far.