The title pretty much says it all. Google Mobile App for BlackBerry has been updated and they’ve added Search by Voice and My Location. Unfortunately, it is not supported on the BlackBerry Storm. We hope however, that they come out with a BlackBerry Storm version soon.
You can download Google Mobile App directly to your BlackBerry by visting from your device’s BlackBerry Broswer.
That is really nice, the voice search will be my fav app!
free application
Ok so I downloaded this app. on my BB Pearl 8220 (flip), and I love it! The Voice reconition search is the best part of this new app. However, as with alot of BB’s and apps. I have come to expect there to be gliches. And this app. is no different. Every so often with the voice search, (the best feature of this app.), it will act like its working then I will get a message stating “google mobile cannot connect”. I have found a few different solutions to this problem. Do these in order as listed until the apps. voice feature works again. 1. Do another search but shorten down the amount of words you use, (make it simple). 2. exit/close out of the app. then go back in and try again. 3. turn the phone off and then back on normal reboot. 4. As a last ditch option, take the battery out for 10sec. then replace it. (hard reboot). Usually doing #1 fixes the problem. IMHO, its because this option can only understand so many words and basic searches, so you can’t talk to it like your talking to a human in the sense of complicty.
Other than that I love the app.! and I sudjest that everyone try it!
Thanks again!
I received a message while trying to use the voice feature that says “Try restarting Google Mobile App”. Does anyone know what this means?
hello, Dawn 🙂
What the message is asking you to do ie go into your menue and actually close out of the mobile google app. then re-open it and try again. I have to close the mobiel google app and re-open it once in a which due to the fact that I get a error mesagte once in a while stating “cannot connect” when using the voice feature.
I hope this helps
I get the same message frequently but not consistently even when entering text search terms directly. (GM v3.3.38)
But other times it works fine. Other apps requiring a data connection work even while GM is failing indicating it’s not the data connection.
I’m using BB OS on Bold