Chris Ashley from Simple Mobile Review shares his thoughts on the upcoming Windows Phone 7 and the BlackBerry
As I was watching all the news coming out of the Mobile World Congress about Windows Phone 7 I could not help but think about the rumors of Microsoft buying RIM. It would be hard and almost impossible to deny that a Blackberry is the most efficient messaging device on the market today. But, it suffers from many of the same problems of Windows Mobile. RIM and Microsoft are playing catchup to Apple and Google as it relates to consumer features on mobile phones. The announcements if, lived up to, will reestablish Microsoft as a player in the mobile phone market again.
I am not a blackberry user but I am a fan of the devices since supporting them years ago on a BES server. Would RIM and Microsoft really be such as bad combination? Do you think RIM is capable of providing half of what Microsoft showed on Stage at MWC? This is not a knock on RIM I just wonder if they move too much to please the consumer market does it have to alienate the business market. While many of you may dislike Microsoft I think the hate is running deeper for Apple and Google these days.
I am a huge Windows Mobile fan but I am also realistic I am fully aware of the shortcomings in Windows Phone. I have written a few articles in recent months about them.
You have to agree Windows Phone 7 looks really good.  What is so wrong with some synergy between Microsoft and RIM?  Could RIM and Microsoft join and dominate the smartphone market?  If half of what was shown by Microsoft makes it to the release product it is going to cause some pain for RIM.  The Windows Phone 7 team is trying to replicate the successMicrosoft had with Windows 7. They are only showing stuff when it is almost fully baked.  I think Microsoft has learned about over committing.  I know RIM is working on their own game changer, but let’s get serious here. Windows Phone 7 will be years more advanced than the iPhone. Could you imagine the Blackberry hardware with that Windows Phone interface?
Let me help you…
I know all about the stuff that makes Blackberry great and secure. It is possible to port some of those features to Windows Phone. C’mon, you have to admit, that phone looks slick. Blackberry would be better powered by Windows Phone 7. Here is what you have to ask yourself. Is the rumored redesign going to be as much of a radical shift as Microsoft is attempting?  If it is, will it still be the same Blackberry you know and love or love to hate today?  Let’s think about the other side. I am sure that RIM feels they do not want or need Microsoft’s help. Maybe you don’t want Microsoft’s help. I read Robb’s articles and while Blackberry is bigger than iPhone, can they really fight off Apple, Google, and Microsoft. I have a feeling that RIM will get swallowed up by someone. Better Microsoft than Apple or Google.
Let me make this statement clearly, Microsoft is raising the smartphone Bar for the next 3-5 years! Even iPhone fans are shocked right now. The Jesus Phone (iPhone) looks quite dated now.
Maybe I sound a little cocky today but it is because I have seen the future. Either way, this could be the dawn of a new era in the Smartphone market. Microsoft and BlackBerry! There is plenty of room on the Windows Phone 7 bus.
“What is so wrong with some synergy between Microsoft and RIM?”
For starters, RIM is number one and they don’t need Microsoft. Apple and Google are crushing MS, but RIM, old BlackBerry OS and all, is still fairing quite well, even increasing their market share.
The only way MS could buy RIM would be in a hostile takeover and doing so would essentially kill the BlackBerry brand. I for one would not own a BlackBerry made by MS. I would move to Android first as I guess many other would as well.
Are you the same PDub from Reddit?
You sir are a fool.
Have to say…I disagree with everything in this article. Sorry, but I’m going to stay away from the kool-aid.
Give hope to starving people and this is what you get. I will wait to see if MS delivers on the vision.
I would say DRUNK with Kool-aid
It cracks me up when iPhone freaks talk about how the the iPhone is taking out RIM, yet, RIM continues to increase their lead. You appear to be an WinMo guy and it is even funnier that you think that same thing. RIM fighting of Apple has not been a problem for RIM. Apple, on the other hand, has all but killed Microsoft. I know that MS was doing a pretty good job of killing themselves before the iPhone ever came along, but, Apple perfected the art.
MS has a lot of cash, but, RIM is too big for them to buy without RIM agreeing to it. The question for you is why would RIM ever allow this to happen? What is the upside for RIM?
Microsoft is generally a good company, but, with the resources they have and the amount of time they’ve been in the mobile business, they’ve done horribly. It is actually an embarrassment how bad they are at their mobile business. Worse than even Palm but with unlimited cash flow.
I can answer your question in two words… Hell No!
OMG! You really think that it would be better for RIM if MS bought them? You got to be effing kidding me.
MS is raising the smartphone bar for the next 3-5 years. Yeah maybe, so that that they can roll under it on their way out of the smartphone game all together.
I have been reading RIMarkable for a couple years now but this is my first comment.
I don’t agree with most of what Chris says but hate to say he raises some good questions. I love my blackberry. I have been using blackberries before they were phones. Apple is hurting RIM in themarket. A user that decides to go iPhone chose not to go blackberry. Market share can remain constant or grow for RIM but every time a user makes the decision to go iPhone over Blackberry is a lost opportunity for RIM. A question not raised is where do you think RIM would be today if the iPhone never existed?
I am not as crazy as Chris but I am starting to lose faith that RIM will address the needs of a drastically changing market.
RIM is not doing fine! 40 million people chose to go with another device. One that did not exist 3 years ago. That is not exactly a win. I hope the CEO of RIM is reminding his team that they are not growing fast enough in an ever increasing market. I hope Microsoft hits a home run and challenges the market. We all benefit when companies try to out do each other.
A browser alone is not going to save RIM. They need to address the OS, memory, multi media, and a host of other issues.
Microsoft buying RIM I hope to God not, but not for a hate of MS. I just want options and competition.
If RIM is not doing fine, how is Apple doing? Since the iPhone has come out, RIM has sold more BlackBerry devices than has Apple iPhones. I know, not really a shocker except to those who falsely believe that the iPhone dominates the market. In Q4 09, Apples market share actually declined while RIM’s went up a small percentage.
People, Apple is not #1. RIM is. Rationalizing the fact away does not make untrue. Redefining what it means to be number one so that the device you want to be number one can be, doesn’t make this untrue.
The iPhone isn’t beating the BlackBerry that critics say suck. If RIM improves things on a device that “sucks” (the new bb browser looked pretty good and it can do flash unlike Sarfari) why do you think Apple will fair better against a BlackBerry that “sucks” less?
The iPhone is hanging with the lackberry while only being sold on one carrier. Just wait until it is available on all three.
The iPhony is loosing ground not “hanging in there” as you said, the iphony was good when it first came out , well, sorta good, but has been overtaken ba any number of Android, Google and RIM phones, the iPhony is an “Also Ran.
@ Will – RIM is number one but RIM has been around for some time now –I bought my first BlackBerry in 2003 but I’m not sure when the first BlackBerry was released. Apple’s iPhone has been around for less than three years and is in the second place. Would you mind commenting on that?
Not sure, but, I think that the first BlackBerry came out just over 10 years or so ago.
Apple has gobbled up share from Microsoft and Palm and have grown to number two. To continue to grow like they have they now must grab share for RIM.
They aren’t…
Wait for what?
Can I just say that the picture used in this article is the worst photoshop ever…
I was thinking the same thing. Too funny!
After I read this post I’ve concluded one of two things to be the case. Either the post author is the biggest Microsoft fanboy of all time, or, this post was written to elicit a reaction.
Whatever the case, the nature of the comments should tell the author one thing. It only took about 9 or 10 of them for the commentary to switch from being about Microsoft to being about the iPhone.
I think that Why hit the nail on the head when they said that Microsoft’s performance in the mobile space is an embarrassment. All yesterdays announcement told me is that Microsoft plans to change heading , stop calling smartphones pocket computers, emulate Apple by locking their device down to hell, and hope that they can accomplish all this by the end of the year.
Well, Microsoft, I am from Missouri. You are going to have to show me….
I believe this article was written tongue and cheek. Sad to see all my Blackberry buddies still focus on the, “Were #1″ line.”
Robb do you know anything about the next BB OS? RIM + Microsoft = Bad Idea. I like the thinking here. Should RIM going hard after the consumer market? I just wonders if changes to support the consumer will alienate the business users.
I don’t know if I want a BB this is geared at the consumer. I use mine for work.
Unfortunately, I don’t know anything about the next OS. I think Microsoft + RIM is a horrible idea.
Should RIM go hard after the consumer market? Absolutely! That is where the growth is. Being consumer oriented and business focused aren’t mutually exclusive.
Your a Windows Mobile fan. I get that but really. Microsoft finally breathed a bit of life into Windows Mobile and your drunk with a demo.
You want to know how screwed up Microsoft is. Bill Gates demoed this very concept in 2004 or 2005 it will take 5-6 years to bring it to market. That is a HUGE problem.
I see your angle but Microsoft needs to fix Microsoft. I hope they do well because Microsoft is the Pope compared to the tyrant running Apple. If Google, Microsoft, and RIM cannot slow Apple down we are in for some dark days. The DOJ is just watching the train wreck.
Microsoft was not bad in playing in the Smartphone market. They were bad in staying relevant. They got lazy and let other companies overtake them. Blackberry is the number one phone in the US, but you have to say why. Blackberry’s dominance is in the enterprise market. Apple is experiencing growth by putting a smartphone in the hands of consumers. RIM is not stupid they see that in order to grow they need to adapt their device to appeal to the consumer market. While millions of consumers will select a blackberry tens of millions are selecting the iPhone. It’s interesting because people argue about who is dominate but ignore what category they dominate, consumer or enterprise.
I hate Apple and the iPhone but when talking consumer smartphones they win that category. This is not something unknown at RIM. OS 6.0 and the new WebKit browsers are focused on competing in the consumer market. These decisions go aggressively at the consumer space while protecting attempts to erode the enterprise dominance. DTran correctly points out that this is not the only feature that needs updating. For RIM to see explosive growth they need the consumer market.
Microsoft has done a great job with the design and software on the Zune HD. They have also created a massive community around the XBox. When Microsoft puts effort forward they can be a great consumer focused company. The interface for Widows Mobile 7 looks awesome. If RIM released a similar interface would you be happy to call that a blackberry. My question is if RIM made a radical direction change would it still be the BlackBerry you love today? I poke fun when I suggest Microsoft buying RIM but my goal is to ask the simple question. Wouldn’t you want the consumer elements of what Windows Phone 7 is offering combined with the business elements of BlackBerry today? For me that is one ridiculous Smartphone?
One question: Who’s the graphic artist behind the article’s photo? lol
Here is why Blackberry will remain the number one smart phone. Its got saturation and tons of products out there with support. Apple has apps blackberry has blackberries that are connected. BBM, Pin to pin, BES. Apple cant touch these no smart phone can. text and ping aren’t the same. the thing with a bes is most companies have already invested in one, and love it and when business likes something they buy it!!! Ironically this is the reason windows is still around. 99% of the corporate world runs on windows because it works because the infrastructure is in place. And because its not a toy you can tinker with. The iphones biggest problem If I’m running a fortune 500 company Im not really going to be wanting to hand out a 500 dollar piece of equipment so my employees can play monkey ball and listen to music. I want something they can get email texts and phone calls on and I want security. as for Bill buying Rim not going to happen anytime soon, rim has a very solid leadership team and they are trying to buy things, you dont go trying to buy the Crapyotes unless your planning on throwing money on them.
So did Palm, at one time. It can all dry up in a short time.
It’s funny listening to all you crow about how BB is #1 and they don’t need MS and everything else sucks, blah, blah, blah. You people are really clueless. BB is #1 for a few reason, none being that it is such a great smart phone. Reason 1, its been out for years and is available on every carrier. Reason 2, many carriers are basically giving them away, a buddy of mine just got a 8330 on Verizon for $9 bucks with a contract. Reason 3, BBM is the direct connect of the day. Remember when DC was the rage and everyone was scrambling to copy it. Now, aside from construction workers, does anyone use it. Reason 4, its entrenched in the enterprise market. Once reasons 1 -3 go away, so does BB sales. Face it, the BB pales in comparison to modern OS like the iphone, Android and the up coming Win Ph 7.
Yes but the hardware is what actually matters. and the iphone sucks. Horrible battery life, touchscreen type a email on any bb then type one on a iphone which is better. The Blackberry is number one because its a BETTER PHONE!!!!!!! apple is catching up but thats just it theyre catching up not leading. and just as a heads up in canada you can get the iphone on every carrier blackberry is still winning. Reason 2 yeah they are selling old ones for cheap…does anyone still want 1st gen iphones???? nope!! reason 3, BBM is not even close to direct connect, thats like comparing you to a chimp. and Apple wants to copy this ping! anyone? BBM is awesome unlimited file sharing send files no matter how big. Reason 4 why a blackberry is selling well because its sold to business??? how is that a bad thing. most business test out every new phone, Android, WM, Apple what ever. and they take the berry because its what there users need. you can give a phone a whole bunch of bells and whistles but at the end of the day people need Email, Phone, Calender, Contacts not Super monkey ball, The latest black eyed peas album, and urban spoon, just saying.