Either you like SureType or you hate SureType. There is no in between. Yes, the BlackBerry Pearl is one, if not the, fastest selling BlackBerrys to date, however, an awful lot of Verizon subscribing, full QWERTY BlackBerry carrying, RIMarkable readers want to move straight passed the CDMA BlackBerry Pearl and right on to a CDMA BlackBerry Curve…
Since RIM introduced the CDMA BlackBerry Pearl 8130 yesterday, RIMarkable has received over 100 emails asking if we know when the CDMA BlackBerry Curve is coming out. There is no doubt the the BlackBerry Pearl 8130 will be a big hit, but, it seems like a CDMA BlackBerry Curve would be as well.
Why is Verizon not listening? We want a full QWERTY multi-media blackberry! In all of my searching across the web, i have heard the most hype about the Curve needing to come to Verizon, not the Pearl 2. Where is good market research when you need it? I hope Verizon pulls the lead out and follows up with the Curve…
Can Verizon signifcantly control when new BlackBerries come out on CDMA are does RIM need to step up to the plate and manufacture them quicker?
I can see why GSM would come out first since it is the world standard, but to be honest, BlackBerries aren’t nearly as popular overseas as they are here.
I know many people who have been waiting for a Blackberry Pearl. They have no need for a full QWERTY keyboard and love the form factor of the Pearl. It will be a great consumer device and a hot seller at Verizon.
If this ends up being huge I wonder if that would push Verizon and RIM to get the new Blackberry devices a little quicker? I understand that they will still be behind GSM units, but six months later would be a whole lot better than a year later.
Can you explain what CDMA is?
Here is the Wikipedia definition of CDMA but to make a long story short, it is the network technology that Sprint and Verizon use, as compared to GSM, the global standard used by AT&T and T-Mobile.
We asked a similar question a couple of months ago and it sparked a very good, heated, discussion. Personally I don’t think that Verizon is in any hurry to buy exclusives like we know AT&T does, however, It doesn’t seem like RIM is in any hurry to build CDMA devices either.
I know that some people are going to say, why should they be when GSM is the global standard. Even still, I wonder why RIM ignores such a large part of their customer, regardless of if they use the global standard or not.
It will be interesting to see if both RIM and Verizon change their tune after the release of the BlackBerry Pearl 8130. I believe that it will become the fastest selling CDMA BlackBerry to date and could only be challenged by a CDMA BlackBerry Curve.
why does nobody here care about sprint! i’ma sprint user and since i’m underage i cant switch so… yea i would enjoy a bb curve and i was gonna wait but i did some research and i’m quite sold on the pearl now, it’s shmexy; the curve is pretty and stylish but the pearl is sleek!
ps i have a question i went to a sprint store and they showed me their official spec sheet for the pearl (when i asked about the guy was young and pretty cool and used the word “f__k” which didn’t bother me but was unprofessional) and it said that it had a 3.2 megapixel camera but rim says 2, I WANT 3.2 MEGAPIXELS!!!
pipe down cdma users:
I mendicanti non hanno diritto a scelta
English Equivalent
Beggers can’t be choosers
Count your lucky stars that RIM even thinks proprietary cdma is worthy of one or two scrapes from GSM designs. Not only are the demands silly, they are not possible nor pro-business for RIM with the dwindling cdma market and qualcomm’s greed and arrogance. To say nothing about the FACT verizon cripples and removes features and functions from every device they sell, whats any good reason for RIM or any other device manufacture to get involved with all the bad press verizon’s crippling brings?
Anyone pro-RIM who want’s top of the line RIM devices know what they need to do to get those devices. UPGRADE to standard, open, global, GSM.
The likely reason has more to do with agreements RIM has with ATT. When you are the leading seller of BB’s, you are in a position to negotiate a period of exclusivity. My RIM carrier rep was upfront on this matter as was her manager. It used ot be that Spirnt got six months exclusive on Treo’s for example.
hellno, as much as I want a Curve, I am unwilling to DOWNGRADE my coverage and call quality by going to and open, global, GSM carrier. But you know that already!
Sprint is kind of like the red-headed step child of wireless carriers. There network, in my opinion, is not as strong as AT&T’s, let alone Verizon, so there is absolutely no reason to go with the when they get devices a year after AT&T and T-Mobile.
Most people that can deal with lesser network coverage than what Verizon provides would just use AT&T because they have newer devices.
Good points. Sprint has a very good data network. Still have multiple wireline backup projects going in as well as large deployments I did with Police and sheriff’s departments. But, of the three main CDMA carriers, they are wanting on voice and their freq is not so good for in-building coverage.They are also have less presence in the corporate market which hurt them, per their carrier teams, with Palm when it came to Treos and RIM when it comes to BB’s.
All BlackBerries should be QWERTY….
I’m also in the CURVE camp. My son switched from Verizon to AT&T and got the curve and loves it. (He switched because he actually had poor Verizon coverage at his house).
The Curve is the phone all of us QWERTY people crave. I’m not saying that Suretype users can’t be happy with their devices, but I know what I like and it’s the full keyboard.
The Curve has so many great features I don’t think Verizon could disable them all! 🙂
I really don’t know where the hang up…with Verizon or with RIM…but I hope it gets worked out soon. I read on another blog a few months ago that Verizon would FIRST roll out a SureType BB and THEN the QWERTY BB. So far…on schedule! I just hope it’s soon.
I switched to AT&T to get the curve and love the phone. Everyone else I know is on Verizon (so that part is a drag).
Verizon should have gotten the device months ago and could have gotten so much more business. I would have stayed!
Sorry Verizon. Too slow. After 6 years, I’ve left Verizon so I could get a BB Curve. Tired of waiting and waiting and…. You guys are blowing it as many of my co-workers are also leaving for the same reason.
I’m about two weeks away from switching. If I don’t hear anything from Verizon on a timetable for the Curve, I will switch to AT&T. It is RIDICULOUS they can’t at least keep their customers informed on what is happening. If they think they are losing sales on other phones they still have in the pipeline by announcing new product, it’s nothing compared to the actual subscribers they are losing by not keeping us informed and equipped with what we want!
Yeah, I was actually at nextel and was waiting and waiting but I just got the sprint 8703e, I like that phone alot although it isnty as sexy as the pearl of the curve. Imma big guy, so a big phone is better for me and my fingers.
but yeah, we’ll see how long I am happy with the 8703 when probably a year later, some now incredible phone will be out to make me sick to my stomach. If Sprint doesnt step into the fold with the curve by next year, I’ll probably switch carriers.
While I would love to see a Curve offered by Verizon, don’t hold your breath. Verizon feels that the 8830 is their current version of a QWERTY BB. VW has a habit of getting as many people into 2-year agreements with their current phone before they consider upgrading to the next generation. If VW was being agressive (and when has that ever happened?), I wouldn’t expect a Curve from them before next summer.
And to Hellno who thinks CDMA is useless, there are still plenty of Americans on CDMA, enough to generate MORE than enough profit for a full product cycle from BB.
I think the Curve will come out sooner than you think. CDMA is still a VERY BIG market and the demand is there for the Curve. Despite my angry cry for the Curve NOW…I can’t see giving up great service for a vastly inferior network. (At least in my area).
Besides, I talked to a Verizon rep Saturday and he couldn’t tell me “anything” but did suggest I should wait…with a smile!
I’m hoping!
I couldn’t agree more — Verizon (and Sprint) users want a full QWERTY multimedia phone. The Pearl? Forget it. The CDMA networks need to listen to their users. We want the Curve!!
I spoke to a Verizon sales associate back in September about the Blackberry devices. Specifically, I inquired about whether Verizon might start offering a Blackberry with a camera. He told me that he thought they were going to release the Curve, but not for a while – like until springtime. The way he spoke about it made it sound official, but now I’m wondering if he got it confused with the Pearl, which is soon to be released?
Either way, I’m holding out for the Curve. My 2 year contract with my current phone is up, but I really want the Curve. I hope Verizon doesn’t disappoint.
Was talking to a Verizon rep yesterday. He said the Verizon engineers are testing a CDMA Curve as we speak. He’s seen it and says its black. Also jokingly said that the engineers who have the curve were bragging about it to other Verizon employees. Anyway, he “thinks” if testing goes well, we should see a Verizon Blackberry Curve early next year.
I’m READY! There are a few rumors on the web about the Black Blackberry Curve with speculative pictures. I hope you are right about Early next year.
Thanks for the update,
Does anyone have any concrete / confirmed recent updates pertaining to a CDMA Curve?
I Want a CDMA curve – is this really asking too much all things considered?
March or April 2008