I recently upgraded to the latest beta of Skype, version 2.1, on my Windows Mobile Powered device (yes, I still have one) and I was thinking that a mobile Skype client should be developed for the BlackBerry.
I am not talking about another proxy based desktop pass thru solution like what you get with WebMessenger, but, a true Skype client for BlackBerry that allows you to make VoIP calls directly from your device.
There have been two arguments as to why a Skype client for BlackBerry hasn’t already been developed. The first was fairly valid… BlackBerrys didn’t have enough horsepower, however, with the 7130 and 8700 models, this really shouldn’t be the case any longer.
The second reason was one that I never really understood… The carriers would upset. When have the folks at Skype ever cared about what telco-companies thought? Besides, the Windows Mobile version works like a champ and the last time I checked, most carriers charge a pretty penny for unlimited data plans which you really need if you use Skype a lot. Take it from me, those per megabyte plans can be very expensive.
The Xscale processor in the 8700 is 312 mhz, which is still too slow to run Skype effectively. It requires a 400 mhz processor as a minimum. It might be possilbe to run a scaled down verison without voice, but I haven’t heard of anything being developed along those lines. The codec that Skype uses for VoIP is from Global IP Sound, whom do support the symbian operating system, so expect to see a Skype client for Treo’s before you see one for J2ME devices.
I agree Andrew that the Skype Moble Beta 2.1 is probably a little to heavy for even the BlackBerry 8700, however, I am sure that a lighter client with VoIP capabilities is possible.
Agreed Robb, in Skype’s case – there hands are a bit tied with respect to whom there Codec platform partners support. It is possible, and would be a hit for sure.
who want’s voip anyway
i had skype on my PPC 6700 and unless I was using WiFi it’s just didn’t work right and the voice quality isn’t there.
I would prefer a text only or a text with file sharing capabilities as good enough or atleast get their foot in the water
I have always been a windows Mobile or Pocket pc user until i had to go overseas and there is nothing more useless than a phone that can’t work over seas in the middle of no where when you don’t speak the language
the blackberry makes and sends email, sms and the other major IM’s
that’s really all you need
I just want IM for skype the voice for phones isn’t their yet
What I did was install iSkoot (http://www.iskoot.com/) for free. Since iSkoot calls a regional number to connect to skype, I added that number as a “fave five”, and now I have unlimited minutes. 🙂
Please sam can you comment me back and tell me how you did so?
“Who wants VOIP anyway?”
I do, and I have been using it too.
It’s unfortunate that your call quality on Skype was less than exceptional. I find it to be better than cell most of the time.
A couple years ago I used it to call a friend in Paris every day (from Maryland, US), and we would talk for hours. Worked like a champ! And the cost difference…FREE via Skype, and $0.10/min on my cell plan (better than international rates on home lines!)
These days I use it on my laptop, and OLD P4 1.8GHz, 2 Gig Ram IBM X31. I use a Sprint Mobile Broadband card, and SkypeOut calls to cell are amazing. And this on a light laptop like the X31.
Skype is impressive, especially given it’s cost model. Completely free for Skype-to-Skype. Nominal for Skype Out.