I know that there are a lot of RIMarkable readers out there that are waiting for the CDMA version of the BlackBerry Curve, the BlackBerry Curve 8330, to come out as patiently as they can. Thanks to the quick eye and quick thinking of Howard Forums member blackdogs377, who nabbed a screen shot of the BlackBerry Curve 8330 on Telus’ website, we can report that the much anticipated release may be very near.
We’ve been hearing a lot of rumors that the BlackBerry Curve 8830 may actually come out this month. Even though I am on the record for stating that I didn’t think it would debut before May, I hope this is one of those times that I am wrong.
Telus has pulled the promotion for the BlackBerry Curve 8830 from there site, however, whenever there is smoke, there is usually fire. As it’s always been, it’s just a matter of time before the 8830 debuts, however, it’s looking like it will be a smaller amount of time than what I, at least, thought that it would be.
Thanks for the update rob
I hope no one really believes this is real. That’s a picture of the GSM Curve 8300. The price is even wrong.
Look forward to it either way. It is time to replace my 7130e!
So James… is that or isn’t that a picture of a CDMA Curve. If it’s got the numbers 8330 next to it we can only believe that it’s a CDMA version.
I went back to the website: (http://www.telusmobility.com/on/pcs/data.shtml) and it now has a Pink Pearl 8130 in place of the CDMA Curve. Their price for the pearl, sans contract, is $499.99 however w/ contract it’s $99.99. The image of the Curve sent in by blackdog377 has the no contract price of the CDMA Curve 8330 at $479.99. Why would they sell a new phone cheaper sans contract than a pearl?
Can’t wait. While exciting news, these articles and peep shows from the carriers are such a tease. 🙂
I think someone had some fun with photoshop.
I just took a screen shot of the pearl that’s in place of what was supposedly, the curve. I then cropped it and saved it from a pdf to a low quality jpeg and there wasn’t nearly the same amount of distortion and pixelation around the images and words in my jpeg, as there is on the one that was posted. It looks like someone did some erasing and placed certain images over others to me.
I could be wrong but whatever. At this point we all know the curve is on it’s way.
go to either phonearena.com or bbgeeks.com. bbgeeks has a better picture of it and phonearena.com actually has a potential release date for Sprint.
@ NV
I’ve come to the same conclusion. I’m pretty good with Photoshop too and could see how someone could have accomplished this. And yeah… you’re right. We all know it’s on it’s way… as it will be my first BB! So hopefully I can soon be contributing to these posts as an actual BB user and not just as a “future BB user”… haha.
I’m right there with ya. The curve would be my first BB also. I have never really liked the look of any other BB enough to pick one up until I saw the curve. The 88XX is nice, but still a bit too bulky and business-like. The Pearl is cute but too small and I hate the suretype so the curve just suit my needs perfectly. I hate the waiting, but when I finally get my hands on this phone with verizon, it will be worth the wait.
I also don’t care that by the time VZW releases the curve, that AT&T and T-mobile might be ready to launch another newer BB. I’m not in it for the newest and trendiest BB, I just want the one I want…it’s the curve.
@ NV
Well I’m glad to know I’m not the only one on this blog who is still sans BB! When I pick up the CDMA Curve upon its release it will be the third phone I’ve gone through in one year! I think that’s a record for me. I’ve always been attracted to the latest and greatest… but I think that having a Curve will “curve my enthusiasm” (if you’ll ignore my lame attempt for a play on words and pop culture) for owning something first. I think it will allow me to settle down and be happy with what I’ve got for awhile. It will have way more features than my current enV.
don’t people have anything better to do than post fake sh*t like this?
the CDMA Curve will be here soon enough
Heard from a relaible mid mangement Verizon employee that the curve will be out in April.
I also heard the same thing from a reliable Verizon contact. He gave me a release date of April 14.
I also heard the same thing from a Verizon contact. He gave me a release date of April 14.
I heard the exact opposite from a very high Verizon contact… higher than yours.
The curve is out April 1st for Verizon, theoretically.
Your mom is out April 1st, theoretically.
Looks like a May 1st release date for VZW
Where do you see a date, because i don’t.