If you happen to be a BlackBerry user and an XBox Gamer that really gets into your friends XBox Live stats such as their gamerscore, online status, gamer pictures, avatars, latest games, and achievements there is a free BlackBerry application that you will want to take a look at. XBerry Live allows you to do all these things and more and you absolutely cannot beat the price.
XBerry Live runs on pretty much every BlackBerry device to come out since the BlackBerry 8700 and this includes the BlackBerry Storm if you turn off compatibility mode. One of the really cool features is that XBerry Live will automatically let you know when there is a new version so staying up to date should be a breeze.
XBerry Live is a free BlackBerry application although the developer is accepting donations via PayPal. You can get more information about XBerry Live and an OTA download link here…
If you have an xBox Live account and a BlackBerry – YOU NEED THIS APPLICATION!
Juan did a great job with this one.
We, also, did a story about it last month: http://www.techsifter.com/posts/2008/12/12/xberry-live.html
AMAZING APP! i love my storm and i love xbox 360 even more! this is a great app if you are a xbox 360 game. dont forget to donate if u can! even 1 dollar is good guys!
You can also find XBerry Live! on the BerryStore under the Utilities category.
To download the BerryStore, visit http://m.berrystore.com from your device.
for some reason In XBerry Live, it tells me to “verify the gamertag and try again”
please help me
Gamertag: fluffybot00
Is this not available anymore??