After a year and a half of writing this here BlackBerry blog I convinced my wife that BlackBerries are cool enough devices for her to get one. She has read RIMarkable from time to time over the last 18 months but now that she has her own BlackBerry 7130e, she has pointed out something that this site lacks that in hindsight, I cannot believe that I have never done here.
My wife tells me that I should add a BlackBerry Tips and Tricks section for new BlackBerry users, such as herself, that want to figure out how to do things other than send and receive email.
With that, the BlackBerry Tips and Tricks section of RIMarkable is born. We will try to put a tip or two up per week that will hopefully help many learn something new about their BlackBerry that the didn’t know before. For those of you that want a ton of tips right now you should check out Stinsonddog’s BlackBerry Tips. I wrote about this site back at the beginning of the year and I still think that it is one of the best BlackBerry Tips and Tricks sites out there.
Yeah, Rimarkable should add a BlackBerry Tips and Tricks here! Because I am NEWBIE blackberry user. I am hungry to learn tips and tricks for my blackberry 8700!