In this world of Bring Your Own Device ( BYOD ) security has to be most important. Most company’s today allow employees to choose which mobile device they want and this raises big security questions with the devices chosen. BlackBerry has always been the best when it comes to a secured mobile device and that has not changed.
Most companies still use BlackBerry phones for there enterprise work phones but as the times have changed, employee’s have made it a point that they should be able to use any mobile phone and or tablet as there work device of choice.
It’s all about how secure the device can be and with today’s technology it’s now a Bring Your Own Device World. BlackBerry’s PlayBook is a solid work horse built for business and personal. Recently compared by ,Context Information Security, to Apple’s iPad and SamSung’s Galaxy Tab , the Playbook separates itself from both tablets compared. The separation of personal and work seems to be key in those comparisons.
BlackBerry still has the edge on security from phone to tablet and the PlayBook stands tall among the so called giants in the tablet market.