I have a question for BlackBerry users that use your devices with BlackBerry Internet Service (BIS) only. How many of you are using your BlackBerrys solely with Gmail, Yahoo, or some other free email service?
I have a question for BlackBerry users that use your devices with BlackBerry Internet Service (BIS) only. How many of you are using your BlackBerrys solely with Gmail, Yahoo, or some other free email service?
I’m using it solely with yahoo, which hosts my domain so, technically, it isn’t free, but it’s through yahoo. I also have another yahoo email address added to it as well.
Why dost though ask?
I have one Yahoo account, one Gmail, and five other accounts, which are all with non-free services (including .Mac), mostly accounts with hosting that I’ve set up myself.
I have my GMail forwarded and filters set up on the BIS side to mirror filters I have set back on the GMail side.
… as well as the GMail app for message searching
I’m using my free Gmail account on my blackberry.
I use my BB for work, but I also have 2 Yahoo accounts on it as well. Do I use my BB only for personal accounts, no. But if I didn’t work, I’d still have a BB.
I use 2 Gmail accounts on my 8130, one personal and one business. I have fax to email on Gmail business account and I use Gmail’s calendar with their Blackberry sync fefature. I love it.
I have yahoo and work e-mail in a small office too small to support an enterprise server. A consumer friendly BIS plan on VZ was the only way I could afford to have my Pearl.
Speaking of VZ, the New York Times is reporting that VZ won the majority of the licenses for the consumer-friendly “C” block of spectrum auctioned off by the federal government. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/03/20/technology/20cnd-apauction.html?ref=technology
Sadly, after the IMAP-IDLE debacle with the BIS and the frustration of having to set up filters to get my mail the way I want it with GMail POP on the BIS, I just use my VZW provided bb.net address and have the Gmail app for my personal email.
Well, I do check gmail through BIS on my BB. I also have my work email redirected to my phone but it isn’t mandatory.
I use Google apps for 2 different businesses with my domains. I also use gmail for my personal email. I’ve never even setup the email address to my device.
One thing that bugs me is that the experience of gmail is better than that of Google apps, but I guess that’s for a different post.
I have an 8310 and several free hotmail accounts, none of which have been able to be added with BIS. I spoke to att and they said that free hotmail accounts are not able to be linked? Does anyone know if this is correct?
I can’t open my address book, when I press the track ball on address book it gets freez. If any body knows how I can solve the problem,