Research in Motion just issued a press release stating that it is going to miss it’s Q3 guidance of $5.3 billion to $5.6 billion in revenue.
To make a long story short, RIM basically stated the BlackBerry PlayBook is a dog that won’t hunt at $500 and the only way they have any shot at clearing the warehouse full of tablets collecting dust is to continue to deeply discount them at the $199 rates that you have been seeing over the last week or so.
Since RIM can’t really sell the PlayBook and make a profit, they essentially are going to unload them however they can and hope that the people that get them rave about them making more people want them when PlayBook 2 comes out.
The BlackBerry PlayBook is a dog that won’t hunt… Classic line.
It’s not surprising that RIM is going to miss another quarter because of the PlayBook. What is surprising is that it has taken RIM so long to figure this out. They should have known that the PlayBook was doomed the moment they released it without an effing email client.