If this is not your first visit to RIMarkable you may notice that we have updated our look. Hopefully the new template makes navigating the site a bit easier and is more intuitive. We will continue to make little changes throughout the weekend, however, if you notice any major problems please let us know.
What do you think of our new look? Comments are very much appreciated.
I like the new look — wish I could say it was better, the previous one was good too. Either way, I hope you get longer visits and more ad clicks from it. I know I support your site with clicks, I think more people should do it too!
This is my first visit to this site. Let me start by saying that I really like the website I like the info that you publish. The only thing I was gonna add is that maybe you should move the main table because it blocks the Rimarkable Logo.
Keep up the good work.
Nice new look. The old template was simple and professional but this template does the same. One thing though, maybe you want to make the RIMarkable blog title at the above a bit more graphic? Not sure. Plus, maybe the sidebar is a bit big for its content.
Very nice blog in any case — keep it up 🙂