Just a little over a week ago we heard that Verizon was pushing Slacker Radio to the BlackBerry Storm. It looks like Verizon BlackBerry Tour users are getting the same treatment. We haven’t seen a press release (yet) like we did when Verizon started pushing Slacker to the Storm, however, enough BlackBerry Tour users have told me that a new icon for Slacker has appeared on their device after rebooting it for me to believe that this is true.
By the by… For those of you that don’t want Slacker, the application is not actually pushed to you as it is just an icon for the installer. If you don’t want it, simply hide the icon once it appears.
I have been downloading alot of apps and today the slacker icon showed up. I clicked it and it walked me through the install process. Pretty neat app. I don’t know which is better slacker or Pandora
I actually was a big fan of Slacker before they came out with a BlackBerry client and have a Plus account, so, I am undeniably biased towards it, however, Pandora version 1.1 was released not two weeks ago and I have to admit that it is a pretty nice app.
I don’t like the fact that they are ‘pushing’ anything to my BB. If they can push, the can pull. The only thing I want them to push is a price reduction. (added by Mobile using Mippin)
What I would like to know is why they keep pushing apps. If I wanted to download them I would. Meanwhile I have to keep deleting the service books and hiding icons that keep coming back. I realize that there is quite a bit more storage on my tour than I had on the pearl, but I still see it as intrusive. I would prefer they just leave it to us to find and install apps that we want rather than getting inundated with worthless apps that I do not use, will not use, and ans simply have no interest in using. — Coyot21
I can’t say I disagree with Coytot21. It took me a minute to figure out what happen when I just noticed it on my menu. I find it intrusive, and to be honest, I don’t want the users who have blackberry’s through my company using it on their phone. I’m sure I can block it through the BES, but why should I have to?
Funny enough, this was the first time I had to reboot the tour, I lost EVDO service all of a sudden and only a reboot brought it back. (maybe it was intentional, anyone else see this? /conspiracy)
I like the slacker app actually and don’t mind if apps pop up on my phone either… I have nothing to hide from Verizon or anyone and if I did I wouldn’t have it on my phone… Its a great way to hear new music… stop the hate!!! lol