SMRpodcast #128, Awkward Silence, is online and ready for download.  This week Terrance Gaines from joins us as we discuss the tech news of the past week including the launch of, which, we all liked.  We also talked about the Apple TV getting Hulu+, Google Fiber, and, I really like the Google Nexus Tablet.

Images of a 10-inch BlackBerry PlayBook eaked, Verizon can no longer block data tethering apps, and we all believe a few execs from Zynga are going to prison.  All this plus our picks, and more, in episode #128 of the SMRpodcast…

Have a listen…

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Show Details

  • Recorded: July 31st, 2012
  • Published: August 1st, 2012
  • Duration:  01hr 30min 00sec


Show Topics launches

  • Everyone is impressed by
  • Chris is ecstatic about it…
  • The adds are much less intrusive than in hotmail

Apple TV Gets Hulu+

  • Terrance wonders if there is a huge difference between the HD and the regular versions of the Apple TV.
  • Rod says not really.
We find more annoying issues with the Samsung Galaxy S III
  • Robb notices that connected Bluetooth devices don’t take precedence over wired headphones
  • Rod points out that the virtual keyboard doesn’t automatically pop up in all places that it should
  • Rod shows Robb inconsistencies in the order menu options in the phone screen

10-inch BlackBerry PlayBook images leaked

  • Robb thinks that the 10-inch PlayBook images may be dated
  • No one on the show is interested in this device
  • Robb believes best case for RIM is for the company to be acquired

Were Zynga Execs dumping stock based on inside information?

  • Robb believes someone is going to prison
  • Chris thinks that if Martha Stewart go convicted for getting a “hookup” a Zynga exec or two is definitely getting locked up

Picks of the Week