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Hosts: Rod Simmons, Chris Ashley, Robb Dunewood
Recorded: December 7th, 2010
Published: December 8th, 2010
Duration: 1hr 4min 03sec
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RIM had a decent quarter
- Robb tells us that RIM is not dead yet
- Chris is playing need for speed during the show
Couple thoughts about the BlackBerry Playbook
- Robb says that the QNX OS will be on phones sooner than later
- Chris says that he was impressed with the BGR demo
- Rod says that he is now interested in the playbook
We discuss Microsoft
- Rod says that 1.5 Million phones shipped is pretty good
- Chris is happy to see that units are moving
- Robb says that he is mad it was not on Verizon
Microsoft and Nokia rumors return
- Rod is wondering if they will scale down the Windows Phone 7 OS
- Chris says that it makes sense since both are popular in Europe
- Robb isn’t so sure that this partnership will work
- Assassins Creed iPad iPhone (Mobile Game Game) Rod Simmons (SimpleMobileReview)
- Need For Speed (Windows Phone 7 Game) Chris Ashley (SimpleMobileReview)
- Quick Find for BlackBerry (BlackBerry App) Robb Dunewood (RIMarkable)
Opening Song
Deck the Halls/ Silent Night – Whitney Houston