Word on the street is that Jersey Shore star Snooki accidentally Tweeted her BlackBerry PIN to her 310,000 plus Twitter followers. The ensuing wave of messages rendered her BlackBerry useless.
Note to self… If you ever get 310K Twitter followers, don’t frigging accidentally Tweet your PIN out to all of them.
Ha! Yea Joe Rogan accidentally tweeted his phone number over twitter, gotta be careful with twitter if you’re a celebrity.
ever heard of just turning off the notifications or uninstalling BBM? I love the jersey shore but come on…
The issue really has nothing to do with BBM or noftifications. The fact that hundreds of thousands of PIN messages and BBM invites came into her BlackBerry in rapid fire succession, regardless of whether she has notifications coming on or not made the device unusable.
That is impressive. I guess that cannot be used as a DOS attack unless you have the PIN and lots of BB devices to attack with.
Still impressive
Not the brightest “star” on the block…..! DOH!!!! Goes to show that IQ is inversely proportional to hair bump size. LOL