by Robb Dunewood | Jul 8, 2008 | BlackBerry
A commentator has left some juicy tidbits about the touchscreen keyboard on the upcoming touchscreen only BlackBerry Thunder. It will utilize localized haptic technology, err.. umm…, it will actually feel like you are clicking on an...
by Robb Dunewood | Jul 7, 2008 | BlackBerry
An anonymous tipster over at has sent in some pretty nice looking BlackBerry Thunder pictures featuring the new media player that will access a carrier branded music store from which BlackBerry Thunder owners can access directly from their...
by Robb Dunewood | Jun 18, 2008 | BlackBerry
Verizon Wireless is going to be offering Visual Voicemail on select Verizon handhelds in the coming months and it looks like the Verizon BlackBerry Thunder will be one of the devices to take advantage of it. We aren’t sure exactly where this list came from but...
by Robb Dunewood | Jun 12, 2008 | BlackBerry
Firefox Mobile Concept Video from Aza Raskin on Vimeo. Although this video is just a concept of what FireFox Mobile may be, I hope that the BlackBerry Thunder will be able run it. [Source]
by Robb Dunewood | Jun 10, 2008 | BlackBerry
Apple to Research in Motion. “We’ve sacrificed a bit of quarterly profit to get some of your market share. Your move…” Well RIM, what are you going to do? I don’t think too many people thought that Apple would release the iPhone 3G...