This post originated on Simple Mobile Review
I know that every BlackBerry user isn’t an iPod Touch owner and visa versa, however, the combination of the two devices often seems to be as common as peanut butter and jelly.
Today I sat in a meeting where every user at the table had a BlackBerry and 4 of the 6 BlackBerry users also owned an iPod Touch. As we got to talking about it we all came to the same conclusion… The BlackBerry is the king when it comes to anything related to communication (messaging and phone). The iPod Touch is great at the multi-media and application stuff. Yeah, I know… Ground breaking details. The thing is, we ALL wanted an iPod Touch with a 3G data option like the iPad and a camera. No one wanted the iPhone (as a phone) as we all want to avoid paying again for a voice plan we did not plan to use.
This really highlights a problem for the BlackBerry. Windows Mobile, Android, WebOS, and iPhone (Jailbroken) all have the ability to offer Wi-Fi tethering. This is the one missing feature on the BlackBerry platform that would make the marriage of an iPod Touch and a BlackBerry complete. While an iPod Touch with a 3G data plan is attractive, I would rather have the ability to just share the 3G internet connection on my BlackBerry via Wi-Fi. It would be a lot cheaper and under my control.
Hopefully RIM will shock the BlackBerry community with BlackBerry 6 and add Wi-Fi tethering, although, with all the leaked information so far, this would be hard to keep under wraps. Personally, I would carry a BlackBerry and iPhone if AT&T were to waive the requirement for a voice plan. For now, I guess this is just wishful thinking. What are your feelings on the matter?
Slow day in the mobile handset world?
I’ve tried to pair the two together via bluetooth a hundred times! never got it to work.
… or they could fix their music app (at least option to turn off crossfade. hope that is in OS6) and make the blackberry OS more attractive for apps (and developers). Those two developments would cause me to question my need to carry an iPod Touch (which I carry for music, of course, games, and various apps I use often). Wi-Fi tethering is not so much a thrill if you already have the one device you would like to use.
Count me in too. I have a BB Tour and an iPod Touch 32GB. I just can’t leave a real keyboard to go iPhone and I can’t stand AT&T’s “service” (that’s what they call it). Even when the iPhone comes out on VZW I’d be hard pressed to leave behind my BB. Oh and BBM is not available on other platforms so that keeps me locked in too…..
I have a Sprint HTC Touch Pro and use the wifi- tethering for my iPod Touch… I’m tired of this WinMo thing (except for the wifi tethering). I want a BB but it HAS to wifi tether. I use the iPod touch for EVERYTHING else besides text and talk.Count me in for wifi tethering for BB
Shortly after reading this article I successfully jailbroke my iPod touch and was Able to connect my blackberry to my iPod using ibluever and now while I don’t get 3G speeds I am still able to use the blCkberry as a modem which is a big win to me
what type of blackberry is on the photo?
Blackberry 8520.
I’ve been trying to do that with ibluever demo and pdanet on my bb, but it doesn’t seem to work.. the connection were established between my bb and ipod, but my ipod seems to never get any data back from bb while it keeps sending data.. any idea on how to solve this problem?
or should i just use the non demo version of ibluever instead? but how can i be so sure that it would work?