Remember a week or so ago, we talked about the second round showdown of emoze and BlackBerry happening at CTIA? Well, yesterday was the day and emoze, as expected, won again.
As Steve St. Pierre puts it best, “nobody cares.” I don’t want to rewrite the same stuff that I wrote the last time emoze beat the BlackBerry, however, emoze’s offering, although “faster” than the BlackBerry, is quite poor in my opinion. Just take a look at the comments from the last post…
Its funny that they are trying to do a speed test with a blackberry which get its messages from a server that has millions of users getting email every second,,, including 100 or so people who were with there with their blackberrys vs emoze who has maybe a few hundred in the world.
I agree. I think the Emoze is just another “Blackberry Killer” that will fade away like all the others
Blackberry works, and all the others just cant live up.