In a recent interview Research in Motion CEO, Thorsten Heins, had this to say when asked if we would ever see BlackBerry Messenger on other platforms…
You should never rule this out; business is very very dynamic. It’s dynamic on the device side as well as on the software side. So never say no to anything. We’re constantly exploring our room to maneuver and our room to explore other businesses so I wouldn’t say categorically no to it. There is a time where this might make sense, and I have a team looking into this. I’m not saying I won’t license. People are again putting this in a black and white spot. I’m open for licensing if it makes sense. But it’s not what I was hired for; I was not hired to build a licensing company. I was hired to take BlackBerry to new heights. And that’s what I will do with my team.
Mr. Heins isn’t necessarily saying that RIM is planning to take BBM cross platform, however, he seems a lot more open to the idea than management at RIM did just 7 months ago.
Would do you think? Would a cross platform BlackBerry Messenger be a good thing for RIM?
[Via CrackBerry]