One of the first and most popular BlackBerry Twitter clients that seems like it has been around forever is TwitterBerry.  With the release of the latest version, Orangatame Software, the company behind TwitterBerry, has changed the name of the application.  Forevermore, TwitterBerry will known as OpenBeak.

Personally, I like the name TwitterBerry since it pretty much tells you exactly what the applications is and does.  My guess, however, is that the name change comes because of trademarked name infringments.  Research in Motion doesn’t allow any applications with the word “Berry” in their name on BlackBerry Appworld.

OpenBeak features include:

  • Post updates to Twitter, including a character countdown from 140 characters
  • One-click access to view friends timelines, replies, your favorites, your own timeline, and the public timeline
  • Post pictures to Zannel, TwitPic, Twitgoo, or yfrog
  • Take a picture with a one-click embedded camera (BlackBerry® Device Software version 4.6+)
  • Reply to tweets from each timeline view
  • Send and receive direct messages
  • Mark tweets as favorites
  • Notification icon that indicates the number of unread messages, like new emails or missed calls (BlackBerry® Device Software version 4.6+)
  • Cache all avatar images to internal memory, thus saves network access and helps faster loading
  • Search Twitter with a keyword or from a list of currently trending topics
  • Active text recognition of @usernames and #hashtags
  • New Setup wizard
  • Two modes of list views: a “fixed height” view and a “variable height” view

OpenBeak is a free BlackBerry application and you can pick it up OTA by pointing your devices BlackBerry browser to