Training materials for the BlackBerry Bold 9650 are being disseminated to Verizon employees indicating that the launch of the new device draws near. One of the disappointing items with the Verizon Bold 9650 is that it comes with only a 2 GB micro SD card. The BlackBerry Storm2 came with a 16 Gb card. The Bold 9650 does, however, come with 500 Mb of application memory so application space shouldn’t be a problem. There still is no release date on the Verizon BlackBerry Bold 9650, however, it is expected that it will be available sometime in the first half of June.
Verizon BlackBerry Bold 9650 Training Materials Being Sent To Employees
by Robb Dunewood | May 25, 2010 | BlackBerry, Rumor Mill | 6 comments

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Better than NO SD card at all, like Verizon tried to pull with the Droid Incredible.
And what with the Tour 9630 having come with a 2GB, man, an 8 or a 16 would have been just another HUGE slap in the face to every Verizon Tour customer.
I happily switched from BB to the Droid Incredible (thank you Craigslist for helping me sell my Tour!!). Though I miss some of the BB functions (consolidated inbox, BBM, and keyboard), the rest of the phone rocks (especially if you have a gmail account). I sure don’t miss the problematic trackball and I am glad that RIM appears to be done with that mistake for good. The trackpad on the newer devices is so much better.
For corporate email and scheduling I still think BB is the way to go. I don’t see how RIM can really compete with Android and iPhone on the consumer side.
I am a Blackberry girl all the way. I’ve tried the Droid Incredible and am ready to switch back to waiting for the 9650 to hit Verizon. I’m not a touch screen fan by any means..and the blackberry is the only phone I’ve had that lasted Curve is still going strong. It’s easy to use and gets the job done. I would have BBM withdrawl with a different phone, that’s for sure! Come on 9650!
If I still had a Curve, and was sticking with BB, I would be all over the 9650. Other than the trackpad and WiFi, the 9650 does not offer anything that the Tour did not have and that is kind of sad. At least the trackball problems are gone for good. The trackpad is a big improvement. I don’t miss having a phone that had a trackball that would get dirty and stuck.
Actually not exactly true. The Bold is a bit faster and has twice the memory of the Tour.
Trackball faults should all still be within RIM’s 1 year warranty.
That may be true, but unlike the Curve where they could replace the trackball in the store, the Tour requires you to get a replacement unit to fix a dirty trackball that jams and they don’t swap out the Tour in the store.
The trackpad is a brillant idea. My fiancee has the new Curve with the trackpad and it works great. I just wish the Tour had it.