WeatherBug for BlackBerry Storm

I remember that when the BlackBerry Storm first came out one of the big complaints was that there weren’t any good weather applications that worked on it.  Well, that shouldn’t be a complaint any longer.  WeatherBug is now available for the BlackBerry Storm and it is absolutely free.

I have to admit, I have no idea how long WeatherBug for the Storm has been available.  I found out about today from someone who asked me what I thought about.  Now that I have downloaded it I’d have to say that I think it is pretty solid.  I need to wait until I get outside to see if the GPS location finder works as I am in the middle of an office building right now but evertything so far seems pretty good.

You can tell that this app was written specifially for the BlackBerry Storm.  When you change from landscape to portrait mode, the screen doesn’t just flip, the actuall layout changes.

If you want a good weather application written specifically for your BlackBerry Storm, check WeatherBug out.  You definitely cannot beat the price.
