There is an interesting thread over on Pinstack that asks the question “What do you wish your BlackBerry did?” There are a slew of answers from play MP3s to ring louder. I am sure that we all love our BlackBerry devices but if we really think about it we can come up with something that our BlackBerrys don’t do that we wish they did. I personally wish that my BlackBerry had voice command dialing.
What do you wish that your BlackBery could do?
I want my BB to do everything that a Windows Mobile 5.0 device can do but without the crashes, viruses and every other issue that goes along with owning anything from Microsoft.
I want my BB to do my laundry
Voice Dialing
I want my BB to play the .WAV files that I get as emails from our Voicemail system
I want to be able to set it such that when I get a message it’ll play a sound every 5 minutes until said message is checked. This is something Treo devices do and is quite necessary for people that are on-call. You can’t afford for a message to sit in your inbox unnoticed!
Voice dialing would also be a nice feature.
VOICE DIALING. The VoiceCommand would be nice if it worked on TMobile, but they signed a deal to only work with Sprint. Why can’t someone come up with technology like that. I would be more than happy to pay extra a month for a tool like that.