

What is Classic? Well some might define classic as simple as the all new BlackBerry Classic smartphone. The BlackBerry Classic is truly a classy device with a touch of the old school BlackBerry flavor that pretty much everyone loved at one point or another. Some say the Classic should have been launched around the time the BlackBerry Q10 launched and to argue that may have been a good move. Now don’t get me wrong, I love my Q10 and it is my co-daily driver alongside my Passport but the Classic just does something different to me.

Here we are once again with yet another nice BlackBerry device that will truly bridge the gap from the Bold 9900 over to the new BlackBerry Classic. Now there are plenty of people out there who just will remain negative about anything that BlackBerry does no matter what. To those people, you must understand that all phones are not for everybody. I would go off on a tantrum but for what purpose as it would just to feed into the negative buzz that some individuals live to create. I have two words to those individuals who continue to talk down and dirty about BlackBerry….BYE FELICIA! Now if you have no idea what that means just Google it. 

No back to this classy phone, BlackBerry has done a very good job making sure it meets the demands and wants of its loyal customers and users. Not only did BlackBerry nail it with the Classic, they also showed just how important it is to respond to its customers and user base. From a professional stand point the BlackBerry Classic has professionalism written all over it up and down. It is a well-built solid device and once you actually have it in your hands you will immediately have that feeling that nothing can stop you from being successful. 

The BlackBerry Classic is far from a toy phone, it is a productivity beast with the all the required bells and whistles to satisfy the “app gap “most complain about concerning BB10 devices. The BlackBerry Classic also comes preloaded with the Amazon app store giving you access to a majority of Android apps that most users want and require in order to satisfy their needs. Let’s not forget about BlackBerry World as it is now geared towards productivity and enterprise related app content. BlackBerry World still offers a lot more than meets the eye so you should be well satisfied with two different sources for your application needs. 

To sum it all up, the BlackBerry Classic is a welcomed addition to the BlackBerry 10 family and I for one will be rocking this phone as soon as I leave Sprint (smh) and go to AT&T. 

Check out some of the cool promotional video about the Classic below. Get all the specs and details here concerning the BlackBerry Classic. Enjoy!