There are pretty credible rumors that the BlackBerry Curve 8330 will appear on Sprint’s network on the 16th and 20th of next month for business users and individual consumers next month. The picture of the BlackBerry Curve that you are looking it is the Sprint branded version of the 8330.
I, however, just can’t believe that Sprint, with all the troubles that they have been having of late, will release the BlackBerry 8330 before the likes of Verizon, who usually is the first carrier to offer CDMA versions of BlackBerry devices.
No way Sprint Gets this thing first.
yeah there’s no way Sprints getting this first… I wouldn’t be surprised if Telus had it first… but Sprint? LOL!
Has this been announced by Verizon? I work for a Sprint Indirect dealer, and that release date was given to us last week,
Sprint nor Verizon has officially announced the Curve. Verizon officially announced the both the BlackBerry 8800 and BlackBerry Pearl after Sprint officially announced them but still offered them first.
I am with the Robb and the majority of those who responded in the poll. Now way Sprint gets the Curve first.
@ Blake –
No this hasn’t been announced yet by Verizon (only hinted at), and doesn’t need to be until the last minute. Sprint on the other hand announced a release date, most likely because they need all the customer enthusiasm they can gather at this point. They’re losing customers left and right so I think they figured they beter release a date for the curve, to keep whoever may have been on the fence about leaving. At least that makes sense…
Well thats not true, the XV688 or (Mogul) was offered by spring 4 months before it was offered by VZW.
Also the touch is coming for VZW and sprint has it already.
To better illustrate NV’s point, we put up a post about the Sprint Blackberry Curve with a picture and a possible release date the other day and, thus far, that post has 8 or 9 comments, one of which was me commenting on how no one was commenting.
Conversely, our most popular post ever, How Long Will It Take Verizon To Release The BlackBerry Curve?, was posted nearly a year ago, has 830 comments, averages, about 2500 pages views per, and has several comments referencing the post about the Sprint Curve, which generally say that Verizon better not let Sprint come out with the Curve first.
We are talking specifically about BlackBerrys. Going all the way back to the BlackBerry 7250, I cannot think of a single BlackBerry that was released on Sprint before it was released on Verizon.
If I am wrong, I am sure someone will point it out in a comment or two, but, I cannot remember what BlackBerry it would have been.
I heard from a VZ booth that they heard last week that the Curve would be out in 45 days – end of April
if telus gets it…so am I!!!
You forgot about Bell. Rumor has it that Bell is hosting a round of BlackBerry 8330 launch parties starting in Montreal on April 15th.
I don’t even really care who gets it first, as long as VZW gets it soon. I can’t stress enough how sick I am of waiting. This is really starting to piss me off.
I’m a little confused with your reference to the photo that this is the Sprint branded Curve being released? We’ve been told in so many rumours that the new Sprint 8330 will be a titanium color, just like the ATT counterpart. In fact, we’ve seen actual screen shots of it in the titanium silver. Do you feel now that Sprint is releasing this in black instead? All signs point to silver, but then again, this photo clearly is a black phone? Any thoughts?
@ Chuck,
There have been rumors of both, but the picture above popped up and looks like an actual marketing photo of the Sprint curve. I’m not answering for Robb, but I can only assume, it was the most professional/official looking picture leak and maybe he didn’t want to use the same picture of the silver one over and over throughout his blogs…just a guess.
Also, there seems to be a difference between “titanium” and “silver” though some people are using them interchangeably. Although it seems both AT&T and T-mobile currently offer the titanium, while the leaked pictures of the CDMA versions look more like the silver one.
This picture shows the difference:
I heard from a VZ booth that they found out last week that the Curve would be out in 10 days – end of the first week in April.
@ NV,
Thanks for that post and the photo comparing the 2 colors. I suppose there is no way to know what color it will be until it drops. Clearly the black one in this post has the Sprint logo on it, so it obviously exists. But on the other hand, the silver one in prior screen shots does show the Sprint logo on the actual screen of the phone. Who knows…
I really hope that VZW releases it first and am comforted by the fact that they have historically released BB’s before Sprint. I’m just sick of waiting and would be a super happy camper if I had it for White Sox Opening Day! (April 7th) But from what I’m reading on HoFo that probably won’t happen.
I called VZW and asked when they’d be getting the BB Curve. I even threatened to leave them & pay the early termination fees based on the very credible rumors re: the Sprint BB Curve. The VZW Custoemr Service Rep told me that the only planned future BB releases were the World Edition 88xx and the Pearl, probably different colors. She didn’t even offer any encouragement like “but that could change.” If VZW was planning to release the BB curve, they’d leak their own pictures and info to give long-time customers like me some hope…looks like I’ll be switching providers real soon.
Bad idea making the switch right now. Read up on people’s experiences with the customer service reps and sales reps from verizon, some of them have no idea what they’re talking about and usually they aren’t informed about upcoming releases until maybe a week before hand. So if you’re going to switch providers based upon shaky info from a customer service rep, I think you’re going to regret it. What if the person you spoke to just started working there 2 weeks ago and doesn’t really know what’s being released when? I wouldn’t be so quick to make that decision based upon someone elses possible stupidity.
Why wouldn’t you switch from VZ to Sprint especially if you were a heavy data and voice user and could get unlimited for $99??? how many times will you need customer service and how much worse can the network be??? its about the same where I live anyway and supposed to be getting better. just my $.02… any thought from heavy data/voice users?
I have been waiting since i first heard rumor of lg prada on verizon where is that if sprint gets curve first I am switching to ATT
Anyone should use any provider that works for them, no questions asked. I’m not saying that VZW is better for everyone, I say it’s mush better FOR ME and everyone else I know that chooses to use it.
Tommy, if Sprint works for someone and they want to get everything for $99, that’s great. But there’s a reason why Sprint is losing tons of money and customers each quarter. If a store advertises a loaf of bread for $5 and 10 loaves of moldy bread for $1, would you take the moldy bread because it’s a better deal, economically?
I have my own qualms with Sprint so of course I’m slightly biased. Ihad Sprint when they were just Sprint and then Sprint once they bought Nextel and not only was their coverage unsatisfactory, but their customer service was terrible. They sent my account to a collections agency for money that i didn’t even owe them…and the kicker…the amount was 36 cents. Even the guy at the collections agency thought they were a joke.
Anyway, that’s just my experience. It’s not like I live out on the boondocks where coverage is hard to find. I live about 20 miles outside of NYC. If Sprint can’t hack it here, then the fact that they’re going downhill isn’t surprising.
Do what you will. I could care less as long as I can make phone calls. An extra few dollars a month is worth it when I have no complaints about what I’m paying for. The big $99 extravaganza they’re advertising is a last-ditch effort by a failing company and is obviously working on they people they meant it for.
I would be shocked if Sprint got this first.
With other devices, info on a Sprint release has leaked first, only to have VZW release first. There is no correlation between leak and release.
I cannot see why RIM would allow Sprint to release it first, as that would play to a much smaller market. I cannot see why VZW would allow Sprint to release first, as BB is an important market for them. Plus VZW has the cash to pay RIM for rights to first release, Sprint does not.
So I’m still holding to my prediction: VZW gets it first.
@ Thought
I think RIM plays nice with all the wireless carriers. TMO got the Pearl first, but then they let AT&T get the Curve before TMO…for the GSM carriers. Then VZW got the Pearl first, and I wouldn’t be surprised if Sprint got the Curve before VZW. It looks as if it may be just a matter of a week, or weeks, but both will have it soon.
As for the smaller market of Sprint, as much as I would never use their service, I’m sure they attempt to get certain product exclusivity from manufacturers in an attempt to gain customers.
bluehorseshoe: good point about how RIM no doubt maintains good relations with all carriers, and indeed wants to do just that.
However, even though TMO got the Pearl first, ATT has gotten every other BB first. My theory on the Pearl is that RIM started with TMO first to test the waters with what was then for it a radical new departure in its devices. It was intentionally a smaller launch on a carrier known for good customer service. But since then it’s been all ATT in terms of getting the new gadgets from RIM first.
So it will be interesting what happens, but in the end, as you suggest, I don’t think it will make much difference, since both VZW and Sprint will likely release the device very close to each other in terms of timing. Most customers will choose based on carrier, not which one releases first.
I heard Verizon killed a man…but seriously, almost everything reps tell you is not credible, I work for at&t and we usually don’t know when a phone will be released until a week or two before. (unless its a huge deal, which other than the iphone none have been really) Although I do have verizon also it would be nice to see a verizon curve, I love my 8310 but evdo 1x is so much faster than edge.
My upstairs neighbor works as a regional sales manager for VZW. I’ve bugged her on occasion about iPhones then it was the Pearl and now the Curve. She said VZW had been waiting on a few things to happen first before they released any new phone. And one of VZW’s policies is to not introduce any new phones until recently introduced phones have been in circulation for at least 6 months. The last round of phones had been heavily marketed and VZW needs to make their money back. If they introduce other phones prematurely, their other phones suffer in the market and they no longer compete with the other mobile providers.
The other deal is VZW’s recent win of the 700Mhz auction. This has been highly coveted for the last 9 months mostly between VZW and ATT. VZW spent a LOT of money and focused a lot of their efforts to expanding its broadband capabilities and the possibility of the 4G network.
So VZW is thinking long time. You can do the 6-months later math from the Voyager phone.
Well the Voyager was released on Nov. 21st (correct me if I’m wrong, please), so that would make the curve scheduled for around the middle or end of May?
I don’t even want to believe that…
Well this link:
Is on the thread “How Long Will It Take Verizon To Release The BlackBerry Curve? and i sent it to my friend at verizon and he said that it was a fake and all rumors he heard within point to the summer, June maybe July release. If that is true then i will be jumping ship also.
I think Sprint WILL get this first. For one regardless of the quality of their network or customer service they have by far the most inexpensive way to own a BlackBerry. And two if Verizon is going to carry this phone they sure aren’t acting like it. This is by far the best consumer version of any BlackBerry to hit the market. And Verizon has had zero advertising, it was big news on their website before they released the Pearl. And three the picture looks pretty official even without an official announcement from Sprint or RIM.
that picture is definitely a fake. “The Blackberry Curve has been waiting for you too”?!?! They would never say that it’s been waiting for us… because it hasn’t! Although I have to give props to whoever did the Photoshop work on that image… nice attention to detail. From what I’ve heard though… the VZW Curve might be a titanium color… not black.
“regardless of the quality of their network or customer service they have by far the most inexpensive way to own a BlackBerry.”
^Wow, that statement up there blows my mind.
So basically that implies that most people will just be like, “Hey I don’t even care if I can make a phone call or receive my emails, Sprint’s plan is wayyy cheaper than those other guys”.
I’m not saying that Sprint won’t get this first, maybe they will…I just don’t think you’re logic would be the reason why. If Sprint get’s this first it’s because it was contracted that way (for some odd reason). Regardless of Sprint being cheaper, they’re losing money and customers by the thousands. I don’t think RIM decided, that since plans with Sprint are cheaper they should get it first. Sprint may not even be around in another year. Verizon, although much smaller compared to GSm carriers and slightly more pricey, will continue to sell.
Thanks for your input there NV. Sprint very obviously is still a cellular provider and works in most places, it’s a fact. And obviously not everyone on the entire Sprint network is experiencing the same trouble otherwise they would’ve have ceased to be a company about two or three years ago.
There is no insinuation that because Sprint has the best plan available that it also makes it the best choice for a service. I happen to use Verizon and enjoy it very much. I don’t think I’ll find much argument that the prices could stand to be lower. It’s not like I just up and went to go get Sprint just because they have a desirable plan and the phone I want.
NV: I agree with you; the quality of the network should matter the most.
One small correction: VZW itself is not small compared the GSM carriers in the US…namely ATT and TMo. In fact ATT has a relatively small lead in subscribers over VZW; so the 2 are practically the same size if you go by that metric. And of course VZW has far more subscribers than TMo.
I would imagine that RIM would rather launch any device on the superior VZW network over Sprint’s but who knows what type of deals were struck in the back rooms. And VZW subscribers are generally the more lucrative ones, the ones RIM would rather have as customers.
@ Thought…I guess that came out wrong. I dodn’t mean that Verizon is smaller in that way, just that GSM from what i understand works around the world, whereas CDMA does not always – with the exception of a the BB 8830 world phone.
Oh and to Nick- I apologize for sounding brash, but I’m running into so many people who make wierd rationalizations about phone coverage and the companies who provide them, On top of that I’m getting stir-crazy over the curve and it is hard to tell what some people mean on a message board or forum. If you re-read what I quoted from you above and try to see it objectively, maybe you can see where I got a little confused over what you were expressing. maybe not. Either way, my apologies for jumping the gun on that.
Frankly, I’m just sick and tired of this.
Comint from a Verizon user I would be SHOCKED if verizon got the curve first…..verison is soo caught up in some shiit that they release everythin too late cause of year long testing and marketing B.S. I wanna see how long verizon takes to launch the next HOT blackberry….ATT will have it first. They dont beat around the bush like verizon
Sprint has this link available on their site if you search 8330.
Wow, that line/PDF is pretty cool, Chris. To me, this is the first piece of real piece of public evidence from Sprint. Hopefully VZW will follow shortly.
Over on HoFo there’s have an image of the VZW rebate form, which has the Curve on it (unless that’s been Photoshopped too).
Look like Sprint may get it first although VZ announced it first. Crackberry has made a post regarding Sprint’s announcement of the curve slated for release later this month.