The largest BlackBerry show in the world, Wireless Enterprise Symposium (WES), kicks off May 13th down in Orlando Florida. Word on the street is that a CDMA BlackBerry Curve could be announced before then.
That’s right, for all you Verizon subscribers that email RIMarkable everyday asking when the Verizon BlackBerry Curve will come, sometime in the next 4 months if the rumor is right.
CDMA versions of BlackBerry devices pretty consistently come out about a year after their GSM cousins. Will a CDMA BlackBerry Curve come out before WES? Possibly… The original BlackBerry Curve, however, didn’t come out until the end of May last year. I think that an official announcement of a CDMA BlackBerry Curve at WES, shortly followed by a launch on Verizon shortly thereafter is a bit more likely.
My what timing! My new-every-2 with Verizon is up in March and my contract is up in July! As long as it has GPS I’m sold…. hell even without GPS I’m sold!
Maybe Sprint will scoop it up first, which would be nice.
Sweetness. If true, it will be a difficult decision as to keeping my Pearl or getting the Curve. Decisions, decisions, decisions…
full QWERTY keyboard – FTW!
it’ll be ten times better on Sprint, V will just F*ck up all apps and take away GPS ha. cant wait to have all the features my pearl has but with a full board man im there
Verizon leaves the BB OS alone for the most part (they use their own initial color scheme). And GPS is currently available on the Verizon Pearl so I don’t know why they wouldnt offer it on the Curve.
GPS is free on the Sprint Pearl. Verizon makes you pay for it even though it is built into the device by default.
I’m WAITING! I love the Curve. At least I love my SON’S Curve. He has had one for 6 months because he lives in an area that has AT&T Service and I don’t. I would have switched to get that phone but the only carrier in this area who has it is T-Mobile and I have suffered through T-Mobile lousy coverage before.
Verizon wins the war on coverage. Loses the battles on phones. If they got both right it would be a great company. Maybe when they switch over in a few years to LTE the phone battles will be a moot point, the service areas will be a moot point and Cell companies will have to compete with CUSTOMER SERVICE…something none of them are strong on now.
Ben, exactly as Jason and Robb pointed out verizon cripples the GPS and a few other functions and features from it’s branded BB’s to make you the customer pay more money to use those features which are already designed and built into your device by RIM. It’s another anti-consumer act from the verizon fat cats. Not sure whats worse verizon continuously screwing its customers or verizon customers which allow verizon to do so. Some are even so ignorant to the truth they even try to excuse and defend verizon for it’s anti-consumer actions. Ignorantia juris non excusat. Either way its a bad thing for consumers and a bad thing for RIM. Which brings on yet another wake up call for verizon customers which haven’t yet learn the TRUTH about verizon.
Autonomous GPS receiver (the type which is in our BB’s with GPS) is receiver is able to calculate the handheld’s location relying solely on GPS satellites with no input from cellular towers. Like bluetooth (which is another favorite cripple target for verizon, Autonomous GPS has nothing to do with the cellular service they are paid to provide.
Verizon Quietly Disables BlackBerry GPS
Verizon gets me again with a disabled feature
Unlike Apple with AT&T, RIM, in my opinion has given way too much power to the wireless providers and by doing so, have agreed to allow Verizon, or any other carrier to determine which features they will or will not allow to be enabled on their branded BlackBerry devices.
Verizon isn’t anti-consumer because they feel their network is so superior to everyone else’s that they can charge for what everyone else allows for free. That is just capitalism.
Customer’s are fickle, but, generally not stupid. If they feel that they are being screwed by their wireless company they will switch.
As I write the post, I sit in my car connected to the the internet on my laptop via my BlackBerry 8130 being used as a broadband modem. According to, my connection is over 400 KB. My iPhone, on the other hand, is roaming and cannot find a signal.
I know exactly what I am getting when I sign up for Verizon. A locked down BlackBerry that came out year later than it did on T-Mobile. I also know that I will be able to make phone calls, and post blog entries from just about anywhere.
To me, the pros far outweigh the cons. I am not being misled. I am making an informed choice fully knowing Verizon has crippled native functionality in my device. I can live with out using GPS too slow to use while driving as compared to my Garmin so long as I can comment on my blog and make phone calls.
I agree totally that RIM or any other manufacture letting verizon cripple their devices is wrong. Apple thank goodness broke the chain with the iPhone (as you brought up) Sure hope the manufactures in the future will be able to ride Apple’s coat tails when dealing with the “four orifices”.
You can teather blackberry’s to your powerbook, but verizon’s got you that way too. When tethering verizon says “Consumers will need to purchase a $60 per month data plan that will allow unlimited high-speed internet connectivity using either the phone alone or tethered to the mobile PC.”
If you don’t purchase a data plan for tethering better watch out since verizon is watching your data usage since at verizon “unlimited” is not really unlimited. Expect a bill or worse verizon will cut you off like others before you have learned.
Verizon Limits Its “Unlimited” Wireless Broadband Service
As there are also places you go where your verizon RIM BB is a paperweight and out of service when your Apple iPhone with at&t service has full service, thats just the nature of wireless technology. No provider has perfect coverage, to think verizon has any better coverage than the others is what verizon FUD is made up of.
There is no reason why Autonomous GPS found on RIM’s products is being crippled by verizon. Perhaps RIM can make a end run around verizon and find a creative solution? Like Apple has done with “the amazing iPhone Maps application approximates your location using cell tower information and enabled local Wi-Fi networks. Drop a pin on a map, then move it to a specific location to get directions or find nearby points of interest. View Hybrid maps that display major street names over satellite imagery. Even check real-time traffic information. All with the remarkable, easy-to-use multi-touch interface on iPhone.”
Sent from my iPhone
Please, too little to late! By the time this thing drops the BB 9000 series will be either getting ready to launch, or launched already on at&t! VZW is just to damm slow at getting a full keyboard camera Berry out! I gave up waiting already. Very happy with my business line being a Curve on at&t, and my personal line being a Venus on VZW. All there good for is voice anyway on VZW, and at&t is not that far behind! My emails used to take forever anyway with my 8800 on VZW! Like I said, too little to late for me.
I agree with sean
this is getting ridiculous… we wait and wait for Verizon to come out with the superior phone which is already available on the GSM carriers
then, just when the Verizon model comes out, AT&T releases a new phone (iPhone, Curve). Now the model we have been waiting for so patiently is obsolete
when will Verizon get their act together and release some decent phones to take marketshare away from AT&T. Verizon’s service wins hands down. Please stop giving away you’re competitive advantage to AT&T!!!!!!!!!!!!
As for the other CDMA carrier, Sprint is officially finished…
From the WSJ:
Investors Run From Sprint
Subscriber Defections
And Gloomy Forecast
Drive Down Stock 25%
January 19, 2008; Page A3
Sprint Nextel Corp.’s shares plunged almost 25% as the wireless carrier reported worse-than-expected losses in cellphone subscribers and issued a gloomy outlook for 2008.
As a VZW customer, I too am frustrated beyond belief having to wait a year to get a cool BB that is already outdated by the time it’s for sale. You’ll get no argument from me there. However, I think the argument that any other phone company has overall U.S. coverage anywhere near the depth of VZW’s is just nonsense. And coverage is one thing, but quality of coverage is another. Once again, VZW is better when it comes to phone call quality and data speed compared with AT&T or T-Mobile. I’m not saying the other carriers are bad — just not as good. For many like myself, and I suspect Robb, that’s enough to keep me aboard.
Robb and Greg you guys hit the nail on the head for me.
I knew what I was getting into when I chose Verizon. It was my best option for my situation and I’ve been VERY pleased with the service/coverage I’ve recieved over the years. Yeah we may not get the coolest phones first, or some devices may be a little crippled, but for my particular situation the service/coverage I recieve makes up for it.
I always tell people, when they ask what carrier they should use, to weigh the pros and cons. Yeah I prefer Verizon, but some people wouldnt benefit from the “IN” features because most of their friends/family are AT&T or T-Mobile. Verizon works for me because I have coverage EVERYWHERE I go and I use IN-txt and IN-calling A LOT.
To be honest T-Mobile’s hot-Spot@home looks very appleaing, but it’s not worth making alllll my Verizon people having to waste text and minutes to contact me…. that and no 3G data… yet.
For some you also need to weigh the that at&t is a pro union company, where verizon is constantly up on charges for union busting behavior. That coupled with verizon’s anti-consumer crippling behavior and it’s current wrong path using proprietary, closed, qualcomm technology are more than enough reasons for going with decent, standard, open. global GSM/EDGE technology provided by at&t or t-mo which have coverage on par with vzw.
Union-Busting Verizon Wireless is the WalMart of TeleCom
Stop Verizon Union Busting, New York to California
Diary of a Union-Busting Campaign
Labor Stands United Against Union Busting at Verizon,+2001)
How in the world did the discussion turn to union busting? At the end of the day, hellno, most consumers really care about 3 things when it comes to wireless providers. Good coverage, good prices, and cool phones.
The order of these three things varies greatly depending on what consumers value most.
I am sure that you feel that Verizon is anti consumer and I know that you aren’t alone. I too am tired of getting new BlackBerrys a year later than the GSM carriers and will seriously consider switching to someone else just as soon as someone else fires up a network with the coverage, call quality, and speed as Verizon.
That day is definitely coming, however, that day, my friend, is not today…
Robb Dunewood FTW!
When the thread starts talking about choice a smart consumer is a good consumer. It sure seems at least some vzw customers are completely out of touch when it come to knowledge of the company they chose to pay to provide them with service. Service is a good word since IMO a company removing functions and features and crippling others on customers devices is NOT a company which is providing good service. When talking about vzw service along with the FUD everyone needs to learn the truth.
For a simple example of this comments like:
“Verizon leaves the BB OS alone for the most part (they use their own initial color scheme). And GPS is currently available on the Verizon Pearl so I don’t know why they wouldnt offer it on the Curve.”
Comments which are not only incorrect but show how mcwireless has brainwashed yet another consumer with their endless FUD. To some not knowing the truth, confusing the truth, accepting vzw lies, greed and arrogance, or worse blindly defending vzw’s anti-consumer actions might be ok, but to others especially those who pay special attention to RIM and it’s Blackberry devices a carrier who fouls RIM’s designs, making things harder on customers makes that provider not a choice at all. When speaking about choice the TRUTH about verizon needs to be part of that talk, not only are they screwing the device manufactures, customers, verizon is also proven to be union-busting. It’s one thing to be non-union, it’s a whole new level when a greedy, arrogant, anti-consumer service providing company is proven to be guilty of union-busting, this along with all of the other TRUTHS about verizon makes them a provider which is not a choice at all. The other communication service providers are as good if not better than vzw, there is no reason to wait years for blackberry devices to be released and to put up with verizon’s anti-consumer actions.
A smart consumer is a good consumer. vzw customers using FUD worlds like “best” to describe verizon are just more examples of consumers which need to wake up and learn the TRUTH about companies before sending them a check every month to make things difficult for you.
There is a good reason why cdma RIM Blackberry devices are few and far between, there is a very good reason why RIM Blackberry devices come out years after their standard, open global GSM counterparts… that reason is verizon. Nothing makes RIM and it’s customer more pleased than learning functions and features have been crippled by a greedy and arrogant verizon.
This is not new information to me… I just don’t care.
Verizon works for me. I’m sorry they don’t work for you and that they get your panties in a wad with their corporate decisions.
P.S. – also proudly and happily shop at Wal-Mart.
So “This is not new information to me… I just don’t care.”? Then why would you make a false post on RIMarkable and try to mislead and FUD Jason’s correct statement? No reason to feel bad, your not the first and certainly won’t be the last to be suckered into verizon’s lies.
A smart consumer is a good consumer.
hellno….did vzw rub you the way?
the TRUTH is what matters….
Well the TRUTH is that verizon service is the best hands down. Consumer report says it,cnet says it….and i have seen it. my brother in law has the curve for at&t and my son has it on t-mobile and they both complain about the service and coverage…meanwhile i have my 2 yr old 7130e and have no problem at all. Also the service is not $60 i have it for 45.00 and for business enterprise users it is 30.
Now lets talk about why your probably pissed and bringing up a whole lot of stuff that some consumers dont care about. You probably were on verizon wanted the iphone switched and now realized it sucks. too many clitches and AT&T does not service it so you have to go to Apple directly who is slow as a turtle on repairs and updates. Thats why verizon didnt take that phone, they wouldnt release the insurance and verizon wasnt going to let apple mess with their clientle like AT&T did, since they dont care about their consumers.OHHHH WAIT they do care about union busting, just dont care how good the phone is when they release it.
Wow, someone jealous they don’t have an iphone?
Those Apple accusations are pretty dumb.
Anyway, Sprint wins hands down when it comes to service. You’d have to be a fool to think otherwise. On cost and service, Sprint is the champion.
Dude……Dude……DUDE…. ARE YOU FREAKIN SERIOUS….SPRINT is the worst in costumer service and service….they are the best as far as cost cause they cant charge too much for crappy service. Sprint is losing more customers than anyother carrier. You would have looked smarter saying virgin mobile was a better carrier.
Ohh and the iphone is crap, i do have one….when they have a real keyboard it will be the best phone. but not now……
I for one HATE unions, this is why I chose Verizon as my wirless carrier.
Keep on dreaming up all the FUD BB, including words like “best” to describe a service provider. You and HC only prove the point made above that many verizon customers are ignorant about the TRUTH about verizon, never mind ignorant to the TRUTH about the REAL WORLD too. Verizon crippling and removing features and functions is nothing but anti-consumer, no spin can be made to make those actions OK. verizon is proven guilty time and time again of being union busting, no spin can be made to make those actions OK either, yet the sheep just keep on believing verizon’s FUD.
Oh by the way verizon never had a chance with the iPhone there was no way Apple was going to make a phone for a few thousand customers running on closed, proprietary qualcomm cdma technology which is on it’s way out. There would be no sense for Apple to make the revolutionary iPhone for a service provider which would cripple and remove features and functions from it like verizon does to all its phones including it’s RIM devices. There is no spin which can be made to make verizon’s crippling functions and features from it’s customers RIM blackberrys a OK thing.
Sorry verizon defenders there is nothing that can be said to defend verizon on anti consumer, and verizon’s union busting ways. Everything else “best this” “best that” is nothing but FUD.
Willful ignorance. Learn the TRUTH.
Ignorance is bliss.
Thanks hellno, you have had me and my buddies in the office laughing all week with your rants. This is a freakin cellphone blog dude – chill out.
For the record…Apple approached Verizon first regarding the iPhone.
Ben, smooth as glass here, just so sad to see the ignorance and the FUD passed around.
I think hellno is an AT&T employee paid to post on these blogs to bash Verizon! 🙂
How can he sit here and tell me who provides the best service in my area? I KNOW who provides the best service in my area and it is VERIZON by a million miles.
I’m not going to tell him who has the better service in HIS area because I don’t know. So hellno…leave me alone and stop lying about service issues…VERIZON IS THE BEST IN MY AREA!
As for union busting…even though I’m in favor of union busting, it in no way would influence what I thought was the best company to provide me cellular service. Same with a car company…I’ll buy what I THINK is the best car and could care less who makes it. If they can do it with union workers fine. If not…fine. NON-ISSUE hellno…forget it.
Verizon obviously has the right to market phones anyway they want. If you don’t want one of their phones…get one some where else. Why are you here pissing and moaning about it all the time.
I want Verizon to come out with the CURVE. They haven’t, so I wait. I’m getting great service from Verizon so I won’t switch to inferior coverage just to get a few bells and whistles that I want. After all, what good are the bells and whistles if all you get is dead air and dropped calls?
Hellno…I don’t understand why you are here. What exactly is your agenda?
For the record you need to PROVE your statement with FACTS, and not FUD statements from verizon trying to desperately excuse themselves for not getting the iPhone. Apple talked to all the service providers, if your statement has any merit it makes verizon look even more ignorant and anti-consumer for not getting the revolutionary iPhone. Remember IF is the word since the time lines and stories don’t match up. Apple had started meeting with Cingular back in February 2005.
“And some other carrier was sure to sign with Jobs if Cingular turned him down — Jobs made it clear that he would shop his idea to anyone who would listen. But no carrier had ever given anyone the flexibility and control that Jobs wanted, and Sigman knew he’d have trouble persuading his fellow executives and board members to approve a deal like the one Jobs proposed.
Sigman was right. The negotiations would take more than a year, with Sigman and his team repeatedly wondering if they were ceding too much ground. At one point, Jobs met with some executives from Verizon, who promptly turned him down.”
Those same executives are having their ass handed to them on a daily basis thanks to Apple and the iPhone. But even verizon customers should thank the iPhone and Apple… for pushing Voda to make verizon’s upgrade path to standard, open, global GSM/LTE once and for all.
Apple’s iPhone and the (Lack of) Future of Qualcomm
Is a national newspaper good enough for you regarding proof?
You mean the same way verizon customers feel they can FUD about verizon being “the best”? Going as far as lies? (or ignorance?) like Ben did above when posting about verizon crippling GPS?
No agenda but the TRUTH about verizon which is completely lacking from some ignorant verizon customers here.
Don’t work for at&t but I also understand how important union’s are for America. There is ignorance about the importance of union’s and the importance of a smart consumer being a good consumer. those having the smarts to pay a company for goods and services which is doing the right thing for both it’s customers AND for it’s workers. verizon has been proven to fail on both counts.
Or this one…
…and this one…
#36. January 25th, 2008, at 3:34 PM.
Is a national newspaper good enough for you regarding proof?
NOPE since it seems the time line does not jive. verizon might have been stupid enough to turn down Apple on the iPhone but verizon sure didn’t have the first and only shot at the iPhone. Think about it, Apple wouldn’t make the iPhone for thousands of customers on a soon to be replaced network technology when the iPhone could be made for billions of customers on a standard, open, global network technology. Sorry spinning isn’t gonna make your latest grandstanding comment true. “bluehorseshoe #32. January 25th, 2008, at 2:27 PM.
For the record…Apple approached Verizon first regarding the iPhone.
In your haste to grandstand FUD you missed a important part….
“For the record you need to PROVE your statement with FACTS, and not FUD statements from verizon trying to desperately excuse themselves for not getting the iPhone.”
NOT FUD statements from verizon trying to desperately excuse themselves for not getting the iPhone.
So you’re saying a national newspaper has lied to it’s readers and falsified news that has been published/printed. Is that what you’re saying then?
I just want the Verizon curve now. Once the others have 3G with wide coverage, I may dump verizon. But not today.
Ditto here doc…buy until then…
Thanks for that last link… It alone prove the USAtoday article as FUD.
“Verizon told the USA Today” SORRY….. Not acceptable either… verizon has been proven too many time to count as liar’s.
But even the FUD you point out about verizon and the iPhone prove it’s all about verizon and CONTROL over it’s customers and their customers actions. It also shows the complete failure of verizon’s greed and arrogance to get a revolutionary device for it’s customers. Since when was consumer communications about control? Way to go bluehorseshoe thanks for again proving the TRUTH though your desperate attempt to grandstand your FUD
Please, tell me what your thoughts are regarding the deal that Apple struck with AT&T? I’d be very interested to hear. Considering the fact that businesses are in it for money, I’d be disappointed if they weren’t (especially as an investor). And talk about greed, what is Apple taking away from AT&T? I could have sworn I saw Steve Jobs running around their offices in San Antonio…
Which to bring things back to the thread is WHY verizon DOES NOT get RIM blackberry devices at the same rate and quantity as GSM providers. All the above are reasons why. As a RIM customer I not only understand but applaud RIM’s half ass support for failing cdma which is losing customers and service providers to GSM. As RIM supporters you are only fooling yourselves if you think RIM focusing business on cdma or verizon is a smart business move. Hence the year wait and the lack of RIM blackberry cdma gear. The crippling of devices (and verizon lies, blaming the manufacture) is enough to make any top tier device manufacture think twice before dealing with qualcomm cdma and verizon. Again think about it, RIM wouldn’t make a Blackberry for thousands of customers on a soon to be replaced network technology when the Blackberry could be made for billions of customers on a standard, open, global network technology.
FACTS before fiction, TRUTH before fud.
“bluehorseshoe #47. January 25th, 2008, at 4:03 PM.
Please, tell me what your thoughts are regarding the deal that Apple struck with AT&T?”
Are you showing us all that you are that ignorant to not see that Apple’s deal with at&t has not only been proven good for Apple and at&t?
Are you showing us all that you are that ignorant to not see that Apple’s deal with at&t has not only been proven good for consumers AND other top tier device manufactures?
Do you not understand the revolutionary iPhone, and Apple’s contract with at&t have not made Apple AND at&t bundles of money but even more important than that has made both media darlings (which bring in even more money long term) Have you been reading and understanding anything? Oh thats right you feel upgrading from proprietary cdma technology to a standard, open, global technology is a bad thing. Even verizon disagree’s with you since they are being forced to open up and upgrade to GSM/LTE. (Even though it took you pages and pages of links to PROVE the TRUTH of verizon’s upgrading to GSM/LTE with it’s dumping cdma.
RIM has even commented that the iPhone has helped RIM. bluehorseshoe one of these days you might just figure it out, but then again you probably won’t.
Willful ignorance. Learn the TRUTH.
So you’re saying Apple’s greed is OK but Verizon’s isn’t?
Apple and at&t with the iPhone are forcing change in the wireless industry, IMO a long over due change. The best part is (again IMO) it’s change for the better for not only consumers but the entire industry including the service providers. Open needs to be the name of the game when it comes to consumer communications. I’ll gladly pay for quality, I’ll gladly pay for services I use, but service providers have no right, nor excuse to control the services I use and/or cripple and remove functions and features from my devices then worse trying to lie about doing it or why they did it. The key words are open, quality, and most of all service providing with expectations for pro-consumer service, not actions (like verizon’s, ever since the name change, these were not nynex and bell atlantic actions, at least the anti-consumer actions where not noticeable back then) We might agree all providers have different strengths, there are some more open, there are some which are more straight forward when it comes to their business and what they have to offer. Again it’s puzzling when those who claim they are RIM fans think verizon’s crippling feature and function removal is a positive action or is not one of the many reasons why verizon doesn’t get RIM’s first, second or even third priority from RIM or any other top tier device manufacture. Knowing the TRUTH we sure can not fault any of the manufactures when it comes to dealing with verizon. Will the Curve ever be manufactured for cdma? Will verizon allow it’s customers to buy and activate it? Will verizon do their normal cripple, feature and function removal on the Curve if they do carry it? All good questions but the answers come from TRUTH not ignorance and FUD.
“bluehorseshoe #50. January 25th, 2008, at 5:06 PM.
So you’re saying Apple’s greed is OK but Verizon’s isn’t?”
Are you again showing us all again that you are that ignorant to not see that Apple is a manufacture and verizon is a service provider?
IMO Apple doesn’t show greed, they have a very HOT product which is going to make those companies involved alot of money. Apple came to a agreement with at&t, Apple would manufacture and manage the device, at&t would get the exclusive right to provide services for the device. Are you that you are that ignorant and out of touch to see that as greed? Do you not get it that Apple and at&t are both better off because of this agreement? RIM and other top tier manufactures would be smart to try to make the same type of agreements with service providers as long as the products are of the same revolutionary design and quality as the iPhone.
The difference is verizon is a service provider and yes they have greed and it is focused at their customers. From the inability to buy and activate a non-branded verizon phone on verizon’s network, to verizon crippling, removing features and functions from those branded device they allow you to purchase and activate all in the name of verizon CONTROL over it’s customers and making some everyday functions impossible (on devices which have those functions designed and built in) all in the name of charging consumers more money for functions built into devices which have been crippled, autonomous functions (for example bluetooth and gps) which don’t require verizon’s wireless service to function.
Willful ignorance. Learn the TRUTH.
Wow. Can you be a little more specific and tell me how you really feel?
Wasn’t the topic of this post something about a CDMA Curve and when it will be released?…
As usual we are just wasting our time with Hellno. As has been mentioned, CR, Cnet and Gartner have all said that VZW has the best network in the US. And how is EDGE treating you? Does no good to reason with the inreasonable. In any event, Robb made and some excellent points about why people choose netwroks and why VZW works for him. Disclosure, I worked for Sprint in the BSP channel We always targeted Cingular/ATT as we had competitive advantages vs. them, especially in regards to data which was our focus. We shied away from targeting VZW as they had the same technology just a larger and better network, especially density of signal. We would have Gartner in to brief us and they would apologize before telling us that VZW had the best wireless network in the US!
As far as the delays in releases of Blackberrys at VZW, RIM was candid with our team as to some of the reasons that CDMA BB’s trailed. First, they release GSM models first due to more WW usage of GSM (that will make Hellno happy) so they get more bang for each release. Secondly, ATT/Cingular/ATT had the largest install base of BBs dating back to the early models. Something else they mentioned was that there was a period of exclusivity granted to them, much like Sprint enjoyed for years on the Treo. If you recall, they always got the Treo six months before anyone else.
Well JHP2 couldn’t have said it better. Just wondering if you have insight into upcoming BB CDMA releases you can share.
Thanks for the mention and posting your FUD based dreams JHP2. The reasons why RIM devices are years late for cdma are not that black and white. Sadly even someone in the business can’t tell the TRUTH, but wouldn’t expect anything different. Though with Sprint’s performance lately that should all change too. BTW hows that “target(ing) at&t going for sprint? ha ha ha ha sprint’s scary “competitive advantages” couldn’t beat some of the mvno’s. sprint should be “targeting” customers from every other provider out there since all of them are walking away with ex-sprint customers. There is no “best” when it comes to wireless service providers. TRUTH before FUD.
“Sprint Nextel’s problems in part reflect the company’s failure to compete effectively against its two larger rivals, AT&T and Verizon Wireless, the mobile joint venture owned by Verizon and Britain’s Vodafone group. Both have been posting strong subscriber growth and picking up customers from Sprint.
The strong fourth quarter figures from AT&T on Thursday underscored this trend. ”We had an excellent fourth quarter, which affirms our outlook for 2008,” said Randall Stephenson AT&T chief executive.” (aka in part thanks to the iPhone)
Sprint Nextel replaces three senior executives,dwp_uuid=e8477cc4-c820-11db-b0dc-000b5df10621.html
Just like the CR, Cnet, and Gartner OPINIONS. You did get one thing right at&t having the largest BB install base, the largest subscriber base, and there are many reasons for that. Keep up the good work JHP2 all those briefings from Gartner seem to be driving Sprint down the road to non-existence or a blue light special buy.
Gartner: Wrong Again
“It’s refreshing to see that the software industry isn’t the only place where Gartner has no clue – listen to them on the Wii:
The newly published article cites Van Baker of analyst firm Gartner suggesting of the Wii: “Its appeal is primarily to casual gamers, and there’s a serious question about how long casual gamers will stay engaged with the platform… It wouldn’t be surprising to see them lose interest after a relatively short amount of time.”
Willful ignorance. Learn the TRUTH.
Funny the whole thing must keep Mike and Jim up late every night while burning the Waterloo midnight oil trying to decide how much (or little) money to spend on designing and manufacturing devices for:
A company like verizon who is guaranteed to cripple and remove functions and features from any BB RIM designs for cdma.
A company like sprint who quarter after quarter does nothing right and while they allow RIM BB’s to operate full out as designed have a rapidly shrinking subscriber base, just how many RIM BB devices must be sold at Sprint to make it worth while.
Worse for RIM when deciding how best to handle verizon and sprint RIM must deal with qualcomm which no company in the world wants to deal with.
verizon, sprint, qualcomm are just 3 reasons why RIM designing and manufacturing BB’s for cdma is a lose/lose, and why any BB device for cdma comes out a year or more after it’s standard, open, global GSM brother and sister.
I’m so tired of reading posts by hellno, when all I want to know is when verizon is releasing the Curve. On every website forum, its the same thing (FUD, willful this and Truth that), along with the constant supply of links.
Enough is enough. Stick to the topic, stop trying to educate the world on your beliefs and facts. Can’t the websites ban this guy? Its one thing to have your opinion, everyone is allowed that, but unless you are answering the question, don’t post. Its NOT helpful. All the wireless carriers SUCK! Pick your poison. Verizon is ok with me for now. I just want the curve. (I’m sure I will get some bashing for this post by hellno).
Yeah, I second hellyes here. It’s really annoying having to see this hellno clown’s rants all the time. Enough already.
#63. January 27th, 2008, at 1:17 PM.
(I’m sure I will get some bashing for this post by hellno).
Lame “hellyes”, very lame.
You piss and moan about off topic posts, yet you chose to take things personal in true “love me daddy, give me attention” fashion and make a off topic post too.
The above posts are more on topic than your post giving your OPINION of what should or should not be posted. You claim to just want the curve? The advice to you is shut your pie hole if all you can post is your thoughts and opinions of what others should post or not post, especially when those in the know post the TRUTH. You want to censor the TURTH? If you can’t handle the TRUTH you too can feel free to head over to Sorry to bust the vealot bubble with the TRUTH and FACTS, but nothing here (or anywhere) is going to help you get the Curve with verizon branding. You claim “I just want the curve” the only helpful hint your going to get from RIMarkable is if you want to Curve tottle your butt over to your closest at&t or t-Mo and get a Curve. The Curve’s are and have been available on standard, open, global GSM. No need to piss and moan while blaming others for no help getting a RIM product which has not currently, (if ever) been designed, manufactured or released.
Willful ignorance. Learn the TRUTH.
Greg B,
You too can feel free to head over to Yet another vzw customer that can’t handle the TRUTH and another vealot bubble of hope has been burst.
You might want the curve too, but the only helpful hint your going to get is if you want to Curve tottle your butt over to your closest at&t or t-Mo and get a Curve. The Curve’s are and have been available on standard, open, global GSM. No need to piss and moan while blaming others for no help getting a RIM product which has not currently, (if ever) been designed, manufactured or released.
Willful ignorance. Learn the TRUTH.
I think we are all very aware of you’re position at this point and we just don’t care.
“BUT IT’S THE ‘TRUTH’ ” you scream! Yeah, we really don’t care. I’ve heard what you have to say and I still don’t care – even if to just piss you off more. I don’t think you should be banned because I think everyone is entitled to their opinion and you’ve made yours VERY EVIDENT now STFU!
Try this on for size, since you graced us again with a personal post, right back at you “we just don’t care” what you think or have to post either. It was partly your ignorance or worse lies which showed the glaring need for some schooling about the TRUTH and REALITY about verizon. Did anyone tell you to “STFU!”? Did anyone post a personal post at you before you spoke up and put your foot in your mouth telling you “we don’t care”?
Have some class, have some respect. Stay ON TOPIC and OFF your personal thoughts and dreams of others. Treat others as you’d like to be treated. Again you thru ignorance or lies more or less started the lesson in verizon TRUTH and REALITY. Thanks for defining how you’d like to be treated here at RIMarkable, you can expect the same the next time you get out of line again with your FUD and lies. Your choice is to learn the TRUTH and REALITY’s of vzw, or continue getting screwed vealot.
…you are hardly the one to preach about staying on topic….
You took a post about a particular carrier getting a particular device and turned it into a rant about how that carrier just rubs you the wrong way and how NO ONE should ever use them in any situation.
But then I guess we are all fools for playing along and giving you the attention you wanted and fueling the fire.
…with that said. I’m done with this post. Hopefully you and I can be friends one day, hellno.
Hellno, I do want the Curve, but not so bad that I’d switch from VZW. And here’s a perfect example of why: I was at a Knicks game at MSG the other day with my friend. He has a Curve on T-Mobile; I an 8830. We both were checking something out on; I found what I was looking for within a few moments; he didn’t even have service. And here’s the kicker — we both looked over and there was a gigantic T-Mobile ad on the scoreboard right next to us (even he had to laugh). I’ve had similar experiences with my iPhone owning friend. But whatever.
Way to keep up the ignorance, glad you can show us your true self….
#7. January 22nd, 2008, at 12:33 PM.
Verizon leaves the BB OS alone for the most part (they use their own initial color scheme). And GPS is currently available on the Verizon Pearl so I don’t know why they wouldnt offer it on the Curve.”
#23. January 24th, 2008, at 9:15 PM.
This is not new information to me… I just don’t care.
P.S. – also proudly and happily shop at Wal-Mart.
MCwireless and Walmart…. ignorance at it’s worst.
Oh yeah in your own words a “fool”. Sounds like lies and FUD to me.
Oh by the way your piss poor actions of making personal, off topic posts is no ones fault but your own. It’s the attention you crave making you post like you do, when posting do you expect the person your lying and FUD’ing to just ignore you and your ignorance?
Have some class, have some respect. Stay ON TOPIC and OFF your personal thoughts and dreams of others. Treat others as you’d like to be treated. You have shown you need attention and how you post towards others, like I said expect the same in return.
Over 50 of the 70+ posts have been tied to hellno in one way or another. We’ve gone from how VZW sucks, the iPhone is the best, to union busting. Even the author had to address him twice.
The topic was about VZW getting the Curve.
As for the reception at the Knicks game, that’s funny. Any chance my Knicks had something to do with the poor performance?
Funny how I’m in MSG alot and I have very good at&t service in there (like I do most places) guess I’m just lucky. Can tell you verizon also has it’s own places where service can be not so good. T-Mo and the others have just as good if not better coverage than vzw at MSG. There could be other things which can effect service, even temporary things. Service in the metro areas, more than anywhere, service between providers is equal. Heck even under MSG, under the waiting room at&t (GSM) service is loud and clear on the tracks. Surprising your friends Curve was having issues. verizon’s “it’s the network” is FUD for sheep who believe anything verizon tells them hook, line and sinker.
Thanks for the recap bluehorseshoe, we all know the TRUTH about verizon hurts you too.
#19. January 22nd, 2008, at 6:43 PM.
With that said, I pledge that I will no longer respond to the posts of one poster that we all know, share and love. Even if that poster responds or comments on one of my posts, I will refrain
NIce try, it’s good watching your “pledge” fail as most of your posts, but they do get you the attention you crave. It’s really too bad you still don’t get the TRUTH and REALITY about verizon, why anyone thinks paying a service providing company which cripples and removes features and functions, is a good idea… Especially in the NYC area where all providers are equal. To say nothing about the negative verizon’s actions are for RIM and it’s cdma customers. All reasons why RIM BB’s for cdma are year plus late when they show up, IF they show up at all.
PS you ARE right when the topic is poor performance it has to have something with the Knicks
I think the majority has spoken. Look at the thread and I think you’ll get the idea. At least most people would. May not be the case here…
Looking at the thread shows a small few who are ignorant or lying about verizon. Some are too lazy to learn the REAL TRUTH about verizon, others are just ignorant, and some know the TRUTH yet try try to defend verizon for their anti-consumer ways. Again there is nothing which makes crippling and removing functions and features pro-consumer, there is nothing which makes verizon’s actions ok.
Also looking at this thread shows a bunch of RIM BB customers which are getting screwed because of a lousy choice of service provider. There are many reasons why cdma providers don’t get BB’s for a year plus after GSM providers do.
Stop pining, unlucky customers of sprint and verizon NO RIM BB Curve for you, at least not yet. You only can blame yourselves and your choice of service providers.
Willful ignorance. Learn the TRUTH.
Oh my God…
Yes Greg, your FUD’ing and worse defending and paying a service providing company which is crippling and removing functions and features from your RIM BB, lying about their anti-consumer actions and worse verizon has been proven as a union-busting corporation.
Way to go. Welcome to REALITY. 🙂
Any new updates on pending release?
Haha, hellno is probably some fat loser who has no life and nothing else better to do then to post his diary of his feelings on the world of wireless. Get a life, no one cares what you think, the only thing people care about reading this bloody page is when the hell Verizon is coming out with the BB Curve. go blog on a page titled “I like to complain about crap, does anyone else care?”
I believe that hellno is Robb Dunewood’s secretl alter ego 😉
After thinking about it – I may stick w/the 8130 – I think the Curve may be too big… I’ll have to handle my friend’s curve a little more and see.
@ Ben
That’s funny stuff. BTW…did you read the last line you wrote out? Take a look at it again. I hope your friend has a nice ‘curve’ for you to handle. 🙂
@ Ben
Forgot to add this, but same thought here. I think I prefer the Pearl myself…like the size and it’s relatively easy to type on, at least for me. Would be nice to have an option though if the Curve comes out on VZW. I can’t see RIM not doing it…way too much $$$ being left on the table if they didn’t.
Oh it’s a fine Curve alright. Ripe and ready for “handling.”
See I do txting whilst driving (dangerous I know) and with a real full QWERTY
…accidentally hit send comment
…with a real full QWERTY keyboard – that would be hard to do one handed.
hellno, who do you like, Obama or Hillary?
Sorry everyone, but I had to! But really, when is our beloved Curve going to come out on VZW? I went to the mall twice this weekend and checked out T-Mobile’s…it’s so awesome and small with such nice keys!!!
We can hope some of the rumors are true and VZW will debut the Curve before the WES in May.
If I see hellno post his favorite acronynm…FUD one more time I think I will throw up!
@BB #29
I will admit Sprint’s customer service is hit or miss (mostly missing) but once you’re set up, you have nothing more to worry about (well, except whenever changes need to be made to your account, again, Customer service. You shouldn’t have to do this often really).
I find their service to be top notch. All over Florida I have no problems, in NYC, no problems, in SA, Tx, no problems, and in Atlanta no problems and all places in between.
My sister moved from VZW to Sprint and loves it with no problems. I don’t view popularity as important with my provider. VZW and AT&T/Cingular as far as I can remember were doing tons of more ads than I remember Sprint doing (they’ve been ramping it up recently) so maybe being late to the game their cost them some customers (and again the customer service hasn’t always been the greatest).
Regarding the iphone, I wouldn’t get one yet… I think I could deal with the screen keyboard, but it’s got some things missing that I just would miss too much from my Blackberry… I would love an ipod touch though.
@ portorikan
I agree with you on the Customer Service, although I do have to say they are a bit more in your face than the other providers out there. My business partner went into a sprint store to get her phone checked out and they said it was fine. After going back and forth, the CSR got a bit testy and started a tone. She was trying to explain, yet the CSR didn’t seem interested. IMO, TMO is the best out there. VZW is decent too.
As for Sprint service, I’ve used it in NY, NJ, and yes…SA, TX (I have a place in both TX and NJ). Can’t say that I agree with you on SA, TX. The majority of people I know in SA, TX have switched over to either VZW or AT&T (seemed everyone used Sprint down in SA). It was decent out in the remote areas where the others weren’t as strong, but it seems that has all changed. As for NJ, it was decent, but there were quite a few spots where I’d lose out in Northern NJ (and my VZW and TMO had reception). NY I never had a problem with it.
And you’re right, popularity shouldn’t be an issue if your service is good. I loved TMO (I never had a CSR issue in the 5+ years with them) but had to move over to VZW for better reception and data services (tethering is important in my line of work).
PS – Do you think Sprint is going to replace Peyton with Eli if he wins the Bowl? 🙂
Since when is shopping at Wal-mart ignorance? Paying less for the same quality products at the cost of bad treatment of employees you will never meet.
and hellno is an ignorant fool. Verizon is much better than AT&T.
Before everyone gets excited about the curve coming to Verizon…….remember, this is verizon, the company loosing subs……they WILL NOT allow Wi-Fi by not providing UMA/GAN support…….they WILL NOT enable GPS that is built into the phone that works with Blackberry maps and provides turn by turn directions………Will it also be able to work outside the USA……….Doubt it?
Jeff Stager
I understand that VZW has a history of not allowing any proprietary hardware to be used with 3rd party apps but by mid year we’re going to see influx of phones that will have Wi-Fi and GPS on their network. The best network is going “Open Source” and will be better in terms of cell phone options. I’m just happy that they’re FINALLY releasing a thinner camera enable, qwerty keyboard BB. It’s about FREAK’IN time.
Thanks for sharing
The last time I used Verizon’s GPS service on my vx9800 the turn-by-turn directions worked phenomenally. Yes I know it sucks Verizon customers have to pay for the GPS functionality when it’s free elsewhere, but it’s a great application.
I agree with you TJ – they will eventually have to “open up” to WiFi…. even though they will probably charge you an arm and a leg to do so…
I’m getting my Pearl in a month and wait for the Cuve…. when/if it comes out I’ll get it and sell the Pearl.
Is there a class action lawsuit against Verizon in regards to how they cripple the RIM built in GPS and a few other functions/features from the BB devices to make us the customer pay more money to use ??? IF there’s one, please let me know so i can participate.
Holy Crap Hellno!!
The bottom line about ANY Cell carrier is that they ALL suck, they all lie, and they all have secrets they want to keep from the general public. Like anything, you just have to find the carrier that sucks the least for you. It’s not about anything more than that. Ignorance has nothing to do with it . . . it’s not a conspiracy, Verizon isn’t out to get anyone . . . they are a company making money and getting people to use their service. AT&T chose to be more of a cell phone vendor than a service provider . . . it’s pretty simple. CDMA may be on it’s way out, however . . . I’d be VERY surprised if one of the LARGEST carriers would sit back and let their company just fade away with old technology. So to rant about CDMA becoming obsolete is a pretty ignorant statement in itself. FYI in comparision AT&T’s “edge” network doesn’t hold a candle to Verizon’s 1XEVDO network, I have been told that by coworkers who subscribe to AT&T and say they wish they had Verizons’ EVDO, But just as everything changes so does technology, and to think that GSM is the end all be all to cell phone technology is not only ignorant . . . it’s arrogant as well. I live in the NY Metro area, and have my CHOICE of providers and after trying several different networks (including my extensive US travel) Verizon has been a very CONSISTANT carrier, where others have been very spotty or UNRELIABLE . . . and unfortunately, AT&T was on the unreliable list (especially when traveling). I’m not going to say that Verizon has an unblemished record, or that I haven’t had my dissagreements with them (because I have). But they have at times gone out of the way to make things right for me, and even called me to discuss my bill and figure out a more cost effective plan for me . . . actually SAVING me money and reducing my monthly service and then pro-rating back a few months and giving me a credit. I’m not saying other companies don’t or haven’t done that. What I do know is that they did that for me . . . hence keeping me happy.
Union busting? Belonging to 3 different TV Unions . . . I would have to say I could care less if they were. Belonging to my unions doesn’t do much for me other than to provide me with a hall pass and allow me to work at certain venues. If I had my choice, I’d do away with all of my unions. Unions in todays day and age or at least in my line of work are not what Unions used to be. But if I remember corectly this is a BB blog page about the updates and possible release of the Curve . . . .
SO please, have a glass of milk, sit back and enjoy your cell service. All the pissing and moaning you do isn’t going to get people to say “hmmmmm . . . . . maybe I should jump to a different carrier?” ESPECIALLY if they are in areas that OTHER carriers don’t bother to try and put coverage in. Like a post said earlier, how do you know who’s best in other peoples living area’s . . . you don’t. So relax . . . picket Verizon for union busting if it makes you feel better . . . . write or call your congressman and tell him how GREAT your service is and what a horrible enemy Verizon is. And guess what, tomorrow, Verizon ads will stil be on TV and they will still be signing (and possibly losing) some customers, as will EVERY OTHER cell carrier out there.
All that being said . . . any new info on a release date? (lol)
I’ve never had a BB but am considering it after my contract is up with Verizon in a few month but would be willing to wait for the curve. Can someone please explain the difference between the BB and a Treo 700w? Obvioulsy different operating systems but what kind of improvements could I expect going w/ a BB? Can i still download MS Office applications like word and excel?