YouMail Visual Voicemail Plus for BlackBerryYouMail put out a press release this morning introducing Visual VoiceMail Plus, a free visual voicemail application for BlackBerry devices running BlackBerry OS 4.3 or higher.  Pretty much every BlackBerry Device since the BlackBerry Pearl.

“Visual voicemail is only a small portion of what voicemail needs to and can do,” said Alex Quilici, CEO of YouMail. “YouMail’s Visual Voicemail Plus allows BlackBerry users to enjoy the speed and convenience of visual voicemail, for free, in addition to having access to all of the other voicemail enhancements in YouMail’s award winning voicemail service.”

There is no question that Visual Voicemail Plus is a result of the huge success that VyMail saw when it first was released.  I’ve just installed Visual VoiceMail Plus, however, at first glance, VyMail, which is also free, seems to have a few more features and be a bit more refined.

I am sure that YouMail will improve Visual Voicemail Plus over time and I fully expect Voicemail transcription to be added for a fee at some point.  I would have to imagine that any type of voicemail transcription the YouMail offers down the road will seriously give other players such as SpinVox and PhoneTag competition because they will have such a large subscriber base already using the free Visual VoiceMail Plus.

If there is one thing that BlackBerry users like it is a free application that is actually usefull.

You can get Visual Voicemail Plus for BlackBerry by visiting  You can also download Visual VoiceMail Plus OTA directly to your BlackBerry by going to